I guess I'll chime in too. I prefer more lore friendly fully voiced followers who look like the vanilla races, and not like a hyper beautiful sex god/goddess ; because I think in general Bethesda did a great job with the vanilla designs (I just wish there was wanted the option to make Dunmer and some other races look a bit younger.) My top 5 mainly come from Kris Takahashi's Interesting NPCs, with some exceptions, because with the heavy influx of new follower last spring I'll need several playthroughs for Arissa, Mirai, Mrissi, despite the fact I originally was off-put by some of them. 1. Zora Fair-child: the breton Barbarian INPC's Really funny and discovered her randomly 2. Alessia the Imperial bard: . She preforms several songs and, her voice actress can actually sing, Oh, and some of the songs you can preform with her so she is the perfect follower for a bard. 3. Inigo may not be an interesting npc but he is hilarious. 4. Anum-La The swamp knight: INPC's the mad argoinian is a must have follower for any argonian dragonborn. 5.Rumarin, Meresine, and Tikrid all deserve special mention, but I think once I start my next playthrough Sofia Is sure to at least take the number 5 spot for favorite followers.