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  1. To be fair you need to give more credit to Caliente, he/she put a lot of work into the mod and it's high quality at that. Not to mention all the work and effort put into Bodyslide. It's not just "naked ladies"
  2. I wouldn't use these because they sound weird in tone/pitch and delivery. 000F78DD_1 000F78DE_1 00021C05_1 00021CA7_1 00021CBE_1 00035938_1 Just my thoughts on it~
  3. **Necromancy** I am a modder not a speller -crys in corner- Working on bringing necromancy to fallout 4 in a post modern apocalyptic style of necromancy, none of that magic poofy stuff! Anyhow I'm looking for ideas on features you guys would like to see. If it's possible I will probably include it somehow, if it's not well i'll do my best to imitate it.
  4. I am trying to work on my mod True Cannibal Overhaul and one of the features I'm attempting to do: each corpse eaten gives a max hp increase of .200000. I have tried simply adding a M.effect that is constant on self with a test of +20 hp and having the cannibal perks add that effect and that works... once. Basically after eating one corpse you get +20 max hp forever, but eating another corpse or 5, etc does not stack on top of that, it just stays at +20 max hp. I know this can be done with a script, but I am fairly certain this should be possible without GECK. Any help is appreciated~
  5. I use PC so can't mod console options :tongue: all we get is click, click click and then your player character depending upon how sassy they feel will respond.
  6. No longer working on was already done by KhaoMaat http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5924/
  7. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7252/?
  8. So I have noticed the distinct lack of effort or quality in some mods screenshot previews. therefore i have made this thread for modders who are about to release, or sometime soon in the future release their mod and either Don't have time for screenshots to show off their mod, or just don't enjoy that kind of thing. Just pm me or post here your Mod, and anything specific you would like shown off and i will take screenshots for you ^^ I'm by no means an expert at this kind of thing nor even close to the best, but i am not bad either :D some of my work~ Some more~
  9. So i love to take beautiful screenshots ( and lots of them ) and i put a lot of effort into all of my shots. But since Skyrim doesn't crash anymore even my 4 gb GDDR5 GPU is being bent over. I use this ENB http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37716/? The High Quality Settings Combined with other 4k textures/2k and i love the way this enb makes my skyrim look in every way, however it's making my GPU run near 60-70 degrees which is just too hot for my comfort. Yes my Ventilation is poor and could be improved but that will have to wait till i can afford a new case and fans. In the mean time i was wondering what Settings on Somber ENB can i reduce to help my GPU out? Using Performance ENB's such as ( Project ENB, Realvision, Seasons of Skyrim ) keeps the GPU at around 40-45 degrees. But the way the game looks is not even close to what i want for beautiful screenshots. Images of Shots i take atm with Somber ENB settings. Thank you for any help anyone can provide, much appreciated.
  10. http://modtype.doorblog.jp/tag/%E6%AD%A6%E5%99%A8 Look through that, there are at least 4 scythes in it.
  11. Don't use it, see if it fixes it. Certain Custom race mods, when you select the race in showracemenu screen and start editing it. It will screw up all your other races when you try and edit due to something the mod Author didn't do correctly.
  12. I agree with all the Pro Serana people. If a certain country attacked my homeland, i wouldn't just go killing off everyone from that country just because they are from there, now would i? Substitute vampire instead of country. "Just because my home ( Vos ) was attacked and burned down by a certain order of vampires doesn't mean i go kill all vampires saying "Where is she!!!" The DG DLC gives you insight into how vampires aren't just these murdering, ravenous monsters that they are portrayed as. Serana didn't even get a choice to become one, and the process of becoming one was very traumatic if anything you should be feeling sympathy. That isn't exactly fair to compare too. Paarthurnax committed War crimes personally, that is part of the reason Delphine and Esbern want him dead ( besides there hate for all dragons ) so that is a pretty legitimate reason.
  13. Did you follow the instructions people gave you there to try and fix it? Also by Vanilla install do you mean a complete re-install of skyrim? or just a Clean save that uses no mods.
  14. Which Custom Race mods do you use?
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