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Status Updates posted by freakuac

  1. Another year, and new adventures. Not much to say but if I must, I strongly recommend certain UGC of Shadowrun: Hong Kong (keyword:"CalFree"series) because playing through those labors of love really makes me think the future of PC gaming/modding is still bright and free!
  2. Oh crap, now I finally feel how annoying the upload limit per day is, especially when you have lots of unskippable ones. Guess I have to find a way to adapt myself to the trend(imgur) without changing my own playstyle only for screenshooting...
  3. So I continued the unfinished adventure in FNV this week, and spent some time tweaking enb for the old engine(TES4/FO3/FNV) the first time, on my medicore machine... But first things first, I should chronicle the character history ASAP before sharing something new.
  4. Happy new year! The new site layout is refreshing, makes me wanna share some pics which should have been uploaded ages ago.... You know, same busy gaming and no time to talk :rofl
  5. Okay finally FO4 GOTY is available, but I know right, the recent news, maybe it's not the time... By the way, I stopped playing ESO:MW temporarily because I run out of disk space to patch... Perhaps I should go back to FNV again, sooner or later, but there are so many shots needed to be uploaded before continuing the unfinished adventure...
  6. I have tried Fallout 4 over the last free-to-play weekend, and spent 200 hours or so. Guess I like it in some ways, not to mention the stability comparing to past games (yeah no CTDs for me in those 200 hours!). Do hope BGS could keep up the amazing vertical terrain/building overlay for future titles.
  7. Lately I've played and enjoyed Fallout:NV for months instead. I grabbed it years ago but started playing only right before Fallout 4's release (havn't bought the 4 though, I guess I hate full PC voice-acting). Totally loved it (FNV) so much that I finally remember to return here and just say something.
  8. Ok, if it has been a long while. Not only I've got to stepped into the world of Skyrim earlier, but also then quited when the official new re-version announced, not to mention the upgraded OS issues and hardware/software conflicts as well as plagued CTDs. All in all I just stopped, not even share a shot or anything.
  9. One year is not enough to beat the main plot, even in half !
  10. After 2 years, actually playing Skyrim now.
  11. Returned with a new character and a new story for Skyrim xD
  12. New Adventure Begins...
  13. just beat the MQ! Ya!
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