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  1. I have bEnableFileSelection=1, all the .ini modifications are copied and pasted from mod instructions, I'm not using the beta patch, and I am booting from NexusModManager. Running NMM as admin didn't work, setting fallout4prefs.ini and fallout4.ini to read-only didn't work (someone in the MWTCF thread suggested that), and running fallout4.exe as admin bypassing NMM didn't work. But someone else posting in the bug thread for MWTCF found something that DID work! It was described in a post in the Fallout 4 general discussion category called "The Master INI". Apparently SOME people, but NOT most of them, have a second copy of fallout4.ini in their Fallout4/data directory, which overrides the one we're told to mod in My Documents/my games /Fallout 4. I looked, and sure enough, I had this duplicate copy. I renamed this file, started up FO4, and my Vault Suit was black! This solution should be in more places -- it shouldn't be as hard to find as it was. Thanks! This was in deed the problem. There was a second fallout4.ini in the data file. I wonder why it's there. But all my texture mods are working perfectly now
  2. For my part yes. I have that include. All the fallout4.ini and fallout4Prefs.ini edits are there correctly
  3. Bump I'm having the same issue, the mods with esps, and the ones that aren't effecting sounds or textures seem to be working fine.
  4. Hey everybody. I'm having issues and I can't for the life of me figure out what the problem is here. I've run LOOT and cleaned the mods but I'm still getting CTDs when loading exterior cells while running SKSE. I'm not sure what exactly the problem mod is. Hopefully you guys might be able to help. First of all Specs. i7 4790k 4.0 GHz MSI GTX 970 4GB 8GB DDR3 RAM Here's the Mod Load Order. Once more, it only CTDs when loading exteriors. It runs fine when I'm SKSE isn't running. I'll also add that I'm running Mod Organizer. and I've got the Skyrim Enhanced Shader FX enb
  5. I think a knapsack should be introduce ASAP. Carrying capacity is one of those big things that I find to be an immersion breaker. I saw a mod which I'll try to link later that was going to try and consider an items volume as well as its weight and try to figure out a formula for translating volume into carry weight value. Or maybe it was a suggestion in here and I completely forgot. What would be nice, is also allowing a companion to buy a horse.
  6. That would be a nice touch. Ofcourse this would be some pretty tough scripting. A few things to consider. -First establish a food supply, What they eat and how much of it there is overall. Which is ok since most of the places bandits inhabit have food set out that was just a cosmetic touch. -Then deciding how much of the food they eat and at what intervals, so that they actually have to go and get food eventually with or without the players involvement. This would be good for players who aren't so much the sneaky types since they can just scope the place out and wait out the food supply. ie. Wait for the designated, Hunters/Grocery Shoppers/Farmers to leave, kill them before they bring food back, Wait out the rest of the bandits. (that could be a separate string, when one group is gone too long, another emerges.) so slowly but surely you'd kill everybody. -Then there's a question of heirarchy, The bandit leader would be the priority food getter as well as deciding who leaves to get food. -Then you have to set up a source for the food as well. Do they just rob random npcs or player characters, do they buy the food if so where does that money come from, do they farm, do they hunt. So on and so forth. If somebody could script all these things out you'd have one hell of a mod, but I'm sure there are shortcuts that may be easier to script than having to outright get into every detail here. Like setting up a timer related to certain containers, and when those containers are empty, after a certain amount of ingame time the actors spawned in that room suffer a stamina penalty. So on and so forth I'm not a programmer so I don't know how this would all be done.
  7. Yes and no. An economic system is nice if you are going to be taking advantage of buying and selling and moving about a lot. And a persistent world is good if players are actually paying attention to it. You have to get the players to do things and set up the context for them TO take notice. A few examples. If food, and drink, then he won't really care that the prices at one store are better than at another, when he's low on coin. If sleep are not real elements, then a player doesn't have to consider how a lengthy delve into a cave or journey to another hold might be planned out. e.g. trying to find Inns, bringing along a portable bedroll, a bow and some arrows to hunt with, a cooking pot. If you can carry 5 warhammers and 40x other things, then their economic value becomes moot when you're deciding what to take to sell. If enemies are more deadly, and you have fatigue to consider, you might take more notice in the general lay of the land, what factions control what territories, how they like to fight and you'll be more conscientious of how you fight them. As for my contribution, I think it would be nice if some of these player side changes (ie, fatigue, hunger, and thirst.) were to be somehow implemented on the AI side. It'd be neat to be sneaking into a cave, and noticing a bandit falling over as a result of a lack of sleep or sheer hunger. Might make for interesting new gameplay aspects. Lots of bandits in a particular dungeon? if your stealth is good enough, sneak in and steal their food, come back in a couple of days, maybe some have passed out, maybe some have left in search of food. Just an idea.
  8. I guess I'll start off with Beggar Prince, I'll put up a sample later today.
  9. Indigo Panda Male, 21 Specialization(s): Gravelly, Old, Large sounding characters as well as more serpentine voices. Experience: None so far as modding is concerned. Looking for: Any project with interesting characters. Contact: Nexus forums PM Demo:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKGHhHtYWU8
  10. This sounds like an absolutely awesome idea I'd be happy to do some readings as well.
  11. Well considering they started making this game before well before the first Dragon Age I'm going to have to disagree. What I will say about the look of the elves is that they now seem different enough to be considered another race. Its easy to single out Khajiit and Argonians as different. And this was always missing from elves for me. I'd want cosmetic difference to mimic, the inherent differences of the racial talents etc. One of the problems in Oblivion was the homogenous nature of the humanoid races. There was such a small difference between playing Redguard, Imperial, Breton, Nord, Dark Elf, and Wood Elf. (High Elves felt a bit more different because of crazy magicka stuff) but the new look, has really enhanced the feeling. My characters actually FEEL different, even though I might be playing a similar class.
  12. So I joined the Stormcloaks, and I took Whiterun. On my way to another quest I stumbled upon an Imperial camp. I killed all the soldiers except the Legate. He won't die, he just yields and then comes back, is there something I'm supposed to do here?
  13. Well it seems that some files were corrupted, because I defragged and reinstalled and its working fine again.
  14. I'm on XP. in the process of defragging and maintenance. The problem is its probably something external. Might it be the disc? Because I had been running the game perfectly fine for at least a year on this computer.
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