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Posts posted by Mozzarellaman

  1. So I know there already is a ton of darker night mods out for skyrim but non of them are even remotely realistic. Not becaue they aren't dark enough or anything, but because they all lack a very important thing when it comes to realism: Blurred/fuzzy vision!

    I'm pretty sure all of you have been outside in the darkness and you might have noticed that after a while it isn't that dark after all.. far from being pitch black. But it's hard to see textures and contures very well. I'd really love to see something like that in Skyrim! You'd only have to use the foggy shader thingy that blurres things in the background and apply that every night and at a very short distance as well. I hate that no game on this entire planet has figured out how light and eyesight works :D

    please, please, please someone do that!

  2. I also think the night in Farcry 3 is way to bright. I mean I don't even remotely need the headlights of a car.. not even a little :D
    And flashlights... why the f*** can't you use your flashlight outside of caves and why can't you go in a cave without one.. it's really annoying not being able to toggle them by hand.
    They would come handy when the night is darker and rainy.. maaan that must be awesome... dark night, rain, thunder and a flashlight... 0.o

    Please someone do a mod that includes all that :D

  3. Hi,

    i've got an idea for a mod.

    Sometimes on your travels through Skyrim you meet these prisoners either caught by the Stormcloaks, the Imperials or the Talmor.
    You could save them, but why would you? There is no sense in giving them weapons and armor, because

    1. they don't use the armor and

    2. they run away afterwards.

    I want to be able to free a prisoner and have him be my companion. :biggrin:

    Like when you kill the Stormcloaks or what ever, he's coming to you like:
    "You saved my life, thank you! Please let me make up for that, I will follow you everywhere!"
    Or something like this.

    It would also be awesome, if only ingame resourses were used, so it doesn't change the language for non-english versions.

    I'm German, so that's why..

    But you can also just make a German version or something :P

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