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Posts posted by Griffindore98

  1. Ok, well I probably have the ENB the right way now anyways, because it does look really nice, iv'e just been to lazy to compare it to the pictures on the mod post but anyways, the only problem now is that the items i'm holding go transparent when I get close to a wall or look at the ground or something, of course this doesn't bother me very much so it doesn't really matter, but you've helped me a lot so I think I should give you something in return, if you have steam I could give you Counter Strike Source if you'd like, I bought it a long time ago and never really used it so if you want it I can gift it to you! (if that can be done but I think we might have to trade so you could just give me a free game or something) And once again thanks!

  2. With the original sharpshooters ENB it did show up as ENB, and also sorry I haven't replied for a while, I started to play other games and just completely forgot about this post so i guess i don't really deserve your help anymore, unless of course you are still willing but anyways, thank you so much for all the help you have given so far, i don't think the ENB looks as good as it could but it sure as hell looks a lot better. Right now i think i might be only running sweetfx because skyrim only works if i put in d3d9injFX.dll and i just want the ENB by itself and i think the file for that is d3d9.dll (correct me if im wrong) so all i want to know at this point is if im just running sweetfx or not, or anything else you can think of that might help and once again, thanks!


    EDIT: Could all these problems be happening simply because im not running directX 11?

  3. The proxy says d3d9injFX.dll, but I dont think you need the injector because when i put the sweetfx folder in (Which i swear i have done many times before) all of a sudden it worked, without changing the proxy to false, but the graphics adapter still doesn't show up as ENB, (im using project ENB now btw) and im pretty sure it should, so i still dont think im getting the full package, (unless sometimes it doesnt need to be set as ENB so tell me if not) I could probably compare from the pictures from the mod post and compare it to mine, but if theres an easier way, or i already know because of the graphics adapter not being ENB. but anyways, apparently if i have the sweetfx in the folder, it works all of a sudden but i think i might just be getting the sweetfx part. Its weird though because i had done that 50 times already before that but if theres anything else you can think of, once again it would be great!

  4. Works! Thank you! But i'm assuming that like you said, all the effects that can be offered wont all work. But correct me if that's not true. It still isint showing my graphics adapter as ENB, unless i set forcefakevideocard to true, but that im guessing doesn't mean anything because you are forcing it to show up as something fake. I have put the ini's side by side to compare the files and change things to match the v0119 from enbseries website, I haven't changed every setting only changed some that would seem to have something to do with the issue but no change. Unless I have to change multiple values at the same time but there are so many combinations if that's the case. I would go through and try and change all of the settings one by one and back again but it would be very time consuming and if it didn't work i would've just wasted a bunch of time. It still looks pretty nice by putting in EnableProxyLibrary=false but that way im not reaching its full potential. You've helped a lot so far, any other ideas?

  5. Thank you for the reply, but yes i have been changing the d3d9.dll everytime i download a new one, and i have tried injector but the same thing still happens. I have also tried to install Project ENB and still the same issue. The ENB version for this one is 0119 and yet no difference. It will work fine if i take the enbseries.ini from the ENB series 0119 folder but if I try and use the preset It just crashes, there is probably a setting in there preventing me from starting up but there is so many options in there i dont know where to start. I stopped trying with sharshooters due to the fact that the correct download doesnt exist for 0170 and moved on to Project ENB. Can you think of anything else? Normally im good at figuring this stuff out so im stumped. Again thanks for the reply!

  6. I have recently gotten Skyrim and have been trying out ENB's, I got Sharpshooters Extreme Graphics Vision ENB (original) for a first one as it seemed the most generic. The first one (original) worked fine with the files from the Enbseries (v0102) and the enbseries.ini preset. I then decided to download V3 of the same ENB and unfortunately, no success. As soon as I start up the launcher it instantly crashes. I have tried running it as administrator, which allows me to bring up the startup screen but as soon as I click play the window pops up for a second and then crashes. If I delete the preset from Sharpshooter and put the enbseries.ini v0170 instead, it works fine but I don't have any of the cool effects that the ENB has to offer. I have put the d3d9.dll and everything else that you need to do, i have uninstalled and re installed multiple times but nothing works, its just that damn enbseries.ini from the preset download. Also, it doesnt seem to autodetect the graphics adapter and if i set forcefakevideocard=true it will detect it but the game still crashes, I have looked everywhere and fiddled with the settings and files but no help. One person on a different site made a thread about what seemed like the exact thing and he said he eventually solved it by fiddling with it but he didn't say how, if anyone could help me with this i would be extremely grateful.


    Here are my specs

    Intel Core i7 2600k

    Geforce GTX 660 Ti

    8 Gb Ram

    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    Gigabyte GA Z77X UD5H

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