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Everything posted by VikingStudios

  1. Ah no worries, i'm starting to understand how music works in Oblivion now (gad whata pain) the way i've got it now am pretty happy with, Thanks for all your help!
  2. Ah ok, I might just have to leave it as it is. Could if menudisplayed or menuenabled check possibly be used i'm wondering? i'm fairly new to scripting just picking up bits as I go along (and doing tutorials) thanks
  3. also It seems as though I have to have the 2D box checked on the activator or the track won't play. Maybe i'm using the wrong Activator? i've not had much of a chance to really look into all the different types of Activators etc.
  4. Thanks again, that's worked for me, the music now starts when entering the cell and exiting, I'm left with 1 last problem: the music will stop in the cell as soon as you get the menu up or talk to an NPC, and resume after exiting the convo or menu. Is it possible to have it playing during conversation or when on the menu? the previous script with a timer worked in that respect (guessing maybe something to do with streammusic?). I have tried checking/unchecking a few of the boxes and can't seem to figure out how to bypass this. If you can't then i'll have to make do, however i'd really like the music to be playing in conversation. Thanks
  5. Thanks for the reply, unfortunately i've still got the same issue with that script. There is currently no other tracks in the 3 standalone folders or any other TrigZone boxes at my mod location, could this possibly make a difference? If I have the check in a different script and attach it to a quest, what would I need to reference the first part of the script (or would I not need to?) Sorry for all these different questions, this whole thing is just confusing me alot! Many thanks
  6. I take that back, it worked for the most part, but i'm now having the issue of the music playing when I leave the cell, too. I followed the script in the last post of this topic: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/404490-streammusic-question/&do=findComment&comment=8263610 Everything is working fine apart from the music not-stopping when I leave my interior cell. I'm using a trigzone and StreamMusic for the script. Is there a simple function like stopmusic or whatever that could run on a GetInCell function? Here is my script: SCN 1tomsmusic1 begin OnTrigger float timershort playonce if ( playonce == 0 ) streammusic "data\music\public\Crassictown2.0.esp\Bulb1.wav" set playonce to 1endif if ( playonce == 1 ) set timer to ( timer + getsecondspassed ) if ( timer >= 120 ) set playonce to 0 set timer to 0 endifendifend Cheer guys
  7. I was having the same issue although i've gotten the song to play in the cell following the above script, although whenever I leave the cell the track is still playing. How can I stop the track from playing when I leave the cell? I followed the post above using a trigzone etc, cheers guys
  8. Hi all, i'm new to this site. I have a problem with a mod i'm working on for Oblivion, and that is i'd like to have custom music (1 track) assigned to individual cells (so ONLY theme A plays when you enter house A). This has been the most problematic situation I've run into so far. I've tried experimenting with the Better Music System mod and for the life of me I can't get it to run properly. It worked at first but now i'm having a bunch of problems with crashing etc. I spent a while checking if anything was out of place and everything seemed fine, to the point where I got frustrated and deleted it off my computer. I also tried experimenting by using one of the sound emitters in construction kit, and assigned a track as a .wav which would work perfectly if the conversations and menu didn't disrupt playback. Doe's anybody know if it's possible to do this, via scripting or other means? If better music system really is the only way to do it I will have to give it another go. Thanks all. The Viking.
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