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About bruenar

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    United States

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  1. I downloaded the Flying Mod Beta ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15775/? ) and redownloaded the Fores New Idles Behavior and ADD-on for spells and installed them correctly and used the FNIS Generator. The Idles work fine but the animations won't work for the flying mod. Instead of the animations my character is just normal and just runs/sprints. I've used this flying mod in the past and everything was fine. Help is appreciated. Thanks for reading!
  2. I navmeshed the inside perfect but my follower won't follow me into the dungeon!
  3. No thanks; I have a few ideas on what to do. I got rid of the virus and most stuff is fine. Thank you anyways.
  4. @camaro_69_327 I tried connecting two separate lines to connect over the stairs a while ago and it didnt work, and the link for that pic gave me a virus -.-
  5. I'm trying to NavMesh my dungeon and I'm having a lot of trouble with the stairs no matter WHAT I DO it wont path correctly (I know because I used the pathing tool to see if it was walkable and its not). I was wondering if Maybe I could send the esp file to someone and they could navmesh it for me and send it back or just tell me what to do ALL HELP IS APPRECIATED! Thanks for reading.
  6. Yeah probably, but it was worth putting it up here and getting people's opinions :) I like to post ideas and let people come together to talk about it.
  7. I want to make a small little dungeon in the creation kit that's only one room and I want to add a dead npc with armor from the Dragonborn DLC and I want to add some Dragonborn DLC clutter like Shrines of Mephala/Azura etc. How do I do this? Also if I want to make a follower with armor from a DLC how would I do that? Thanks for reading!
  8. I like this idea I love the crazy goggle mask for the helmet haha
  9. Is there any kind of mod where it makes you mute in Skyrim where you can't speak? I don't mean where you can't click on an NPC and talk to anyone, I mean a mod that adds or replaces vanilla responses with "yes or no" responses like: "(You look into their eyes and nod.)" or "(You glare at them with anger.)" or just the classic "(Remain Silent)" if you'd want to say "nevermind." It would be cool if there was a mod like that not just with those few like I mentioned but with a variety of responses. I got this idea from the Dark Brotherhood and how you could remain silent, and it gave that ominous, dangerous cool feel. Comment and share your thoughts! Thanks for reading!
  10. Oh okay I didn't try deleting them from the Game Menu I just went into the My Games Skyrim folder and deleted the Saves Folder which kept reappearing. I don't mean to sound like a broken record but thanks a lot for all your your help.
  11. Okay I just kept DG and DB and I still have them and I followed the guide completely but when I load up the game I still have all of my saves, and every time I go into my documuents/my games/skyrim I delete them and they just reappear again D: Will i have to redownload SKSE and use the SKSE launcher to stop making my saves reappear?
  12. Can I also redownload Dawnguard and Dragonborn from Steam if I delete them?
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