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Posts posted by Blaastoid

  1. Fargoth's only use is to get some good money when you start a new game and some lockpicks.


    He's a funny little f*#@er, sure. But a Godhead? I dunno about that.


    Give me a good reason and I'll reconsider.

  2. Morrowind's graphics are what made some monsters/people scary. They were old, gritty and very nostalgic. I don't get scared easily at all but there were a couple monsters that freaked me out.


    1. Winged Twilight

    2. Dreughs

    3. Corpus Stalker

  3. My favorite would be the Bloodmoon expansion. Nords are my favorite race to play, I feel more related to them because of my actual heritage, and to see native Nords in Skaal Village and then being able to run Thirsk Mead Hall was awesome, all on top of becoming a werewolf, or getting that ring that would let you change at will.

  4. While I'm not new to online forums I am new to this one, so in retrospect I am a newbie.


    I searched in Google "Top Video Game Forums" and under Gamespot, which I've used before, I found this site.

    This site contains a good amount of my favorite games and people here seem really intelligent and take things seriously.

    I like that, I have respect for those kind of gamers.


    Anyways sorry to ramble,just wanted to introduce myself.

    Blaastoid is also my Gamertag but my real name is Noah.

    I look forward to conversing with this community.


  5. Hlaalu is really the only name is have trouble remembering how it's pronounced. I'm pretty good at a lot of the others, but if I'm confused I don't stress it as it adds to the fantasy effect of the game. I think Morrowind has more unique names which seem like they put more effort into thinking of people, places, roads, towns, etc.

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