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  1. I would consider myself like mid knowledge level on making mods. I have a few published mods, and I do a lot I don't publish. Most of what I do is balancing npcs/weapons but usually making the game harder. Example: Nepos the Nose tells you all about the conspiracy and then says he tells you because you won't leave alive. Then the fight is like threat level 0, so I fix crap like that. Anyway, I am trying to add a spell to Forsworn only that gives them 100 armor (damage resist) because they are just too easy to kill which such low armor. I already have a thing that I believe works with SPID to give out spells and perks. I just can't get this one to work. I made an ability to give 100 damage resist, I know for a fact it works, tested. What I cannot figure out for the life of me is how to get it to apply only to Forsworn. I tried: Condition: GetInFaction (FactionForswon) Equal to 1. Nope. Geater than 0. Nope. I know for an absolute fact my ability works, It just applies to all NPCs, or NO npcs, I can't get it to go to just Forswon, no matter what I try. Any ideas? I COULD change every template record for Forswon to have a 100 armor perk under spells but that's 1) a lot of busy work and 2) won't get ones added by mods/would conflict with other mods. I considered adding an extra armor buff to their armor, but they don't all wear a full set. I think adding as a "toughness perk" to the actual NPC is better. Any Ideas? Thanks.
  2. Ok, need some help here. I can not get High Poly True to Vanilla NPC hair physics to work. Hair for MY character (vanilla hair remake as the mod requires) works perfectly. NPC body physics works perfectly. KS wigs works perfectly. Armor that has physics works perfectly on me and NPCs. So, it can't be my FSMP is bad. More frustratingly, it DID work when I first installed (yesterday) and now does not. I have no clue why. I downloaded a handful of mods but they should have no effect on it (Like Modern Combat AI) I read and reread the mod pages. I uninstalled, reinstalled. Changed load orders. Rechecked. I can not figure this out. All the NPCs look right but their hair just has no movement. Why would just this mod stop working and everything else work? What would prevent it from working? If I just use Vanilla hair remake, then the NPCs have moving hair. But when I enable High Poly True To Vanilla Overhaul it no longer works.
  3. I figured it out. First off, I mistyped. Yes, it's damageresist, not resistance. Second, its my fault thinking Bethesda could actually add armor to animals. I should have known they couldn't do this from my days modding New Vegas/Fallout 4. A mod (requiem) added the armor with the "Requiem for the indifferent" patch. Taht is why I could not find it in Skyrim or Requiem.esp So, I looked at how it did it. It's a spell, added to the npcs. It's just a constant adding 120-720 armor depends on npc) I had to make Requiem the master for the creature mods I had and I added armor values to them. Done. This made Ogres, Daedroth etc much tougher (I had to do a lot of other mods to them as well like increasing stamina, unarmed damage, reach, etc.) I spend more time modding Bethesda games that actually playing. I knew I had added armor to the creatures in New Vegas/Fallout 4 but that was years ago and I forgot a lot of it. Was very frustrating knowing I HAD done it but couldn't remember how.
  4. Trying to add armor to some creatures to make them tougher, and I simply can not figure it out. I have made mods (years ago) and figured out much tougher stuff than this but it's killing me. Example, I know a bear has armor because I can click on it and type "getav damageresistance" but I can not find the armor value anywhere in TES5Edit. Race? No. NPC, no. I thought it might be in their "skin" no. Magic effect? No. I am trying to add armor to some creature mods that look good but IMO are too weak, also boost some already in game mods. Can not figure this one out for the life of me. Can anyone tell me exactly where thier armor value is and how to edit it? Side note, Thier skins are listed under the armor section. I tried adding armor to their skin but it had no effect. Why is this?
  5. Thanks. This lead me to the fix. The Fallout.ini and Fallout prefs.ini changed (I assume it did change with the new GPU? I dunno) which put it out of sync with the ENB I had, I assume. Anyway I changed settings in both and it fixed things.
  6. I have too many mods to mention, graphic mods, content mods, weapon mods etc. If someone needs a list I can provide it but maybe the problem can be resolved without it. 2 years ago or so, I modded out New Vegas, I did a playthrough, no issues, looked great etc. I decided to play again, and at first everything looked fine, played fine. However, anytime I go underground into a cave (doesn't seem to be an issue in buildings) I can see textures through walls or obstacles. Examples would be: Seeing the Blood Pool under a skeleton (but not the skeleton) through barrels it is behind, seeing graffiti on a wall through a wall (like its in the next room) seeing barrel fires through walls but not the barrel its self, and also getting rectangle, messed up water and rock textures that float along with my player character. If I keep going things get worse, like my weapon tuns translucent, I can see its outside and inside... its wierd. If I go back outside, everything is fixed and all looks good again, game plays fine. This happens with standard caves and with the caves AWOP adds to the game. Any ideas? I upgraded my GPU from a 1080 to a 3070 Ti, but other than that the computer is the same.
  7. I'm aware they have DT. I added DR as well. No, because I have JIP LN, and I did a test with no DT, just DR. I'm getting the exact effect I specified, DR is working EXACTLY as double in actor effects for me. Again, as an example, if I give a Super Mutant 20 DR, a 100 damage weapon does 60. If I give him 10, it does 80, so on and so on. I have accounted for BodyPartData and DT. I have tested with multiple weapons, on multiple NPC types that I added DR (again, that's DR, as in damage resistance, not DT, Damage Threshold) I always get the same result: DR is doing 2X what it should, again, only when used in "Actor effects" it seems to work properly when added to armor. My conclusion is : 1) DR is bugged and does double what it says when used in actor effects. 2) A mod I always use (I already checked and turned off other mods) just as some stability fix is doing it. Again... this is not a huge issue, as I simply set half the DR I actually want... if I want an enemy to have 30 DR, I give him 15. I simply want to understand WHY this is happening.
  8. I have made a mod that adds DR (Damage Resist) to Armors and enemies. For example, 20 DR to Super Mutants and Deathclaws, Robots got more DT and added DR, etc. Anyway, I have noticed an odd issue. Whatever amount of DR I put on in Actor Effects is doubled in game. Example: If I add 20 DR, that SHOULD make a weapon that does 100 damage do 80. However, it actually hits for 60. 15 Causes it to hit for 70 instead of 85, ETC. Now, this isn't such a huge issue, because I just use half the DR I want and boom, problem solved. Also, DR on armor pieces works just as it should, it's only an issue under "actor effects" (like adding it to Super Mutant DT) Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas what could be the cause?
  9. Thank you, found it. fmagicskillmedicine/survival. Question, I use FNVEdit and GECK to mod, in this case I was looking in GECK for "Game Setting" and just can't see it anywhere. In FNVEdit its in the list and I was able to find it. How would you find this in GECK out of curiosity?
  10. Survival and Medicine increase the effectiveness of food and stimpacks/radaway etc by 3X at 100 skill. I think this is far too powerful. I want to nerf it down to 2X at 100, with other levels following the same curve. However, I can't figure out how to find the effect. Can anyone give me exactly what to type in search, or exactly what the effect name is so that I can edit it? Thanks.
  11. I figured it out after a lot of trial and error. Under "Game Settings" it had a custom modification to "embedded weapons" which is what all robots use. I'm not sure what the intent was, but the result was nerfed robots. Removing the Embedded weapon settings fixed the issue.
  12. I'm having a problem, I will try to explain it as well as I can. I am modding New Vegas to be harder, faster, more realistic combat. A lot of things have already been done by other people, such as Super Mutants. As far as I can see, nobody has ever touched Robots, and I find them far too weak, so I fixed them. I modified Combat Style, making it so they attack much more aggressively, and stop attacking to randomly move back and forth less. I raised "combat skill" in their stats page. I then edited their weapons to do more damage. I edited securitron missiles to "not jam" (just unchecked the jam box) so they fire more often rather than opening and doing nothing, standing there looking retarded. I tested my mod, and it worked great, I was very happy with the results. They weren't perfect but much less retarded and easy. (I also edited DT and health but this should have no bearing on the robots actions) However, the other mod I would like to run, SGO https://www.sinitargaming.com/sgo_nv.html breaks the mod I made and reverts robots to being broken, even if I load my mod AFTER SGO. I loaded up SGO in NVEdit and had a look... it gives robots a very slight bump in health and attack speed and that's it. Doesn't seem to change their combat style or anything else. It adds an AI package named "SGTRobotWanderAI." I again, tried loading my mod after SGO, robots wont attack much, often wont fire missiles (shoulders open but then close without firing) I then tried just deleting any entry that seemed related to robots, and still nothing. If I disable SGO and leave every other mod on, again robots work perfectly. My mod give the robots the new DT and health but with SGO on they don't act properly and barely fight, as I mentioned before. can not figure this out. I have never had an issue like this before, ever in like 8 years of modding. Anytime I load one mod after another, or find and remove conflicts, the issue is fixed. I have no clue what could be causing this. I contacted the mod author and he was unwilling to help, reply was "I have no idea it works fine for me" I 100% have narrowed it to SGO... works fine without it, doesn't with it, simple as that. Can anyone who feels they know a lot about the game take a look and tell me what the issue could be? I am still working on my mod, and have not published it as of yet, but if you need it to see, I can provide it. To clarify further; if you are familiar with SGO you might think robots are fine because they act like Vanilla robots... which is the whole problem I am trying to fix, as Vanilla robots suck. My mod helps fix their "AI" to be better and more aggressive, but SGO reverts it back, yet doesn't touch robot combat style.... I can't figure this out.
  13. A long time ago, I made a mod for New Vegas for myself. It "normalized" human health (for example made it like 120-200 rather than 20-400 or whatever it was) and made weapon damage and armor more realistic, among other things. I never published the mod, but if you want an idea, it was very much like this mod I made for Fallout 4 and did publish: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5195 Anyway, on to the point: I reformatted my HD a while back and forgot I had my modded NV files on it. Unlike Fallout 4 where you can mod a "race" (human, mirelurk, mr handy race etc etc) as far as I am aware, New Vegas has nothing like that. I painstakingly had to go through every single entry and mod health/armor etc myself. It took forever and was absolute tedium. So my question, is there a faster way to mod the health and armor of NPCs? An example would be is there a quick way to give all humans a base of 100 hp, or all Protectrons a base of 250 HP and say 50 DT like there was in Fallout 4? or do I need to do it one by one for every npc in the game?
  14. So I was modding Skyrim SE. I would consider myself moderately experienced because I have been using mods for years, and make my own simple mods (editing NPC health, weapon damage, spells etc) Anyway, I have a very odd issue. I am getting 20 attribute points per level (health stamina, magica) instead of 10. Even if I set a different number in SkyTweek, it is still 20, and then its set to 20 in SkyTweek. I tried disabling all mods, and its STILL 20 attribute points per level. What the hell can be causing this? My last few mod download couldn't have done it... they were a follower mod, a weapon mod and no combat music... Everything was working fine and then didn't. I assumed the only possible culprit was SkyTweek bugging out but I removed it and it was still bugged. Could https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15746/ be the culprit? I don't see how, I disabled it and I inspected it with xEdit. After disabling ALL mods minus live another life and making a new character, I still get 20 a level. I assume in that case it must be some script or something? Any idea as to what could be the issue here?
  15. There is a mod in my lineup causing all explosions to ignore all armor.... clearly I don't like this, it's stupid. So, for example if an explosion does 200 it does 200 to a naked person or someone in PA, doesn't matter. How would I go about finding which mod is doing it? I have too many to just check 1 by 1. I know my way around FO4Edit and Bethesda Editor quite well, but I don't know where to look. I can only assume it is a weapon mod, what section would I look under to see a mod that gives all explosions 100% armor penetration? Ok I figured it out.... this game is so bad. If you have a weapon equipped that ignores armor a thrown grenade gets the armor penetration. I was testing a weapon with very high armor penetration and it effects everything.. grenades, bashing, whatever. So it gives the PLAYER the armor penetration... not the weapons projectile. So, if you are ever having a tough time, just equip a weapon with armor penetration even if it sucks, and toss the most powerful explosives you have.
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