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Posts posted by CMSTORMTROOPER20

  1. Using dual sheath redux and spears by soolie when i put the spear on my back my left hand weapon appears on the floor but this only happens with the spears any other weapons are fine does anyone no how to fix it i guessing its a skeleton issue as i have had it before when installing dual sheath redux

  2. I have fnis and enhanced camera installed if i enter beast form or get on a horse its locked in the pov which i was in just before that action any idea how i can get it to change the pov whilst i am mounted or in beast form otherwise i have to dismount or revert to human form to change the pov instead of using the mouse-wheel.

  3. I can't seem to remember where I read this but i came across an article talking about a ini tweak that will reduce the quality of in game features such as LOD or shadow quality in order to maintain a minimum fps. This would be useful as i maintain a average 50 - 60 fps but in some areas due to high grass density high textures and high levels of npc's my fps drops to 25 - 30 fps and it would be nice to gain a few extra fps in these areas. So question 1 is, is there even a ini tweak that does that? If so what is it or where can i find it



  4. so there is a limit of 255 files that you can have in your load order i was wondering if in future we will be able to add more files that that limit. Or if there is a way you can combine files as in my load order for example i have 10 optional files from the PISE mod and was wondering if you could combine to make a single esp like the complete version.



  5. Im pretty new to modding as only just got back into pc gaming after making my new build. had a fiddle with the creation kit and was hoping to ad dragon shout effects to a bow in particular unrelenting force and maybe have the effect repeated on target. I have done a little research into it and have only come across people adding some effects via the command console was wondering if any1 knows if its possible and maybe give me an idea of where to start or what i would have to do so i can try and research it



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