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About anthelius

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  1. Sorry for the extremely late response, I took the habit of not looking at this thread because of the lack of feedback^^ If you want to help I just opened a discord, feel free to join : ) https://discord.gg/bTcB8p4
  2. The chapter one is now available for SSE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18327
  3. The file is now accessible to the public: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87681/?
  4. Thanks for the offer, I won't manage the english voice acting myself since I already have way enough work managing the french one^^ But if you want to voice a character once the mod is released with others voice actors, feel free to do so and I will provide help as much as I can.
  5. Merci Jetsream, justement en parlant de ça^^ : Important announcement :smile: http://img110.xooimage.com/files/6/a/9/maslea-535f10e.jpg
  6. Thanks for the advices : ) I was indeed planing to release the chapter 1 as a new file, since it contains 4 or 5 times more content than the prologue.
  7. Thanks : ) In fact most feedbacks about the mod are very positive, there are just not many of them. There are many reasons for that, the prologue went out the same week as two or three other big mods (including one of those "skimpy outfits" who get thousands of endorsement in five minutes ) so it missed the hot files (narowly). After that, I guess it more or less felt in oblivion... The fact that you can't go to maslea directly after installing the mod is made on purpose, I wanted the player to earn the trip and to have a good reason to go there. But I'm aware that there are a few issues in the first dungeon wich will hopefully be fixed in the next release. I also think I will upload a walkthrough for the Hall of air part, because many people seem like they don't understand what to there.
  8. @erwann66: Sorry, didn't see your post before. I don't update this thread very often because of the lack of feedback, you can still find infos about the project on DC : http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/topic/7457-wip-the-republic-of-maslea/?page=6#comment-284881
  9. thanks : ) The last screenshot was taken during sunset and the trees cast a lot of shadows, it's much brighter normally (the archipelago has custom climate and weathers). http://img110.xooimage.com/files/0/8/8/maslea-4dead61.jpg
  10. A temple at the edge of the jungle http://img.xooimage.com/files110/6/b/b/maslea-4db942e.jpg
  11. Wow, a comment! Can't believe it^^ Thanks : ) http://img110.xooimage.com/files/1/8/1/maslea-4d08f57.jpg http://img110.xooimage.com/files/3/5/2/maslea-4d08f5d.jpg http://img110.xooimage.com/files/d/4/7/maslea-4d08f65.jpg
  12. Progress on chapter 1 landmass: http://img110.xooimage.com/files/8/a/b/maslea-4cf64d8.jpg
  13. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68091/?
  14. Some new screens: http://img110.xooimage.com/files/a/a/5/maslea-4cb56fc.jpg http://img110.xooimage.com/files/1/e/9/maslea-4cb56f3.jpg A new area (very wip) http://img110.xooimage.com/files/b/c/3/maslea-4cd5958.jpg
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