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Everything posted by MisterCurious

  1. Did you ever solve this issue? I am having the same problem. If I go back to a previous save the controls are the way they should be (being able to fly in any direction with just using left stick).
  2. Thanks for the info. How do we edit this header exactly ?
  3. I was thinking the same thing. Has this happened yet?!!!!
  4. Could some with brains, talent and time please make a fix for the DS4 controller icons? The only way for DS4 users to maintain the vibration is to use a program like DS4Windows or InputMapper which are great, but RDR2 will use XBOX button icons when any Xinput is used. Being able to chose which button icons would help thousands of people. WILLING TO PAY TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN.
  5. Please please please ,, someone figure this out. I am so bummed I have to chose from either having RUmble activated or having the correct button prompts displayed.
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