I used to play this game a lot back in 2013. I used close to 200 mods on it back then with a GTX 770 4GB. It ran better, both with regards to FPS and application stability. Now, no matter how many times I try, once I start approaching 150 mods or so, the games starts breaking in various ways. I've even tried following some modern preset guides. Back then I didn't even use ANY guides at all. I installed what I wanted to, did small research for incompatibilities, and it all worked A-okay. No crashes, no missing textures, no nothing. Now I experience missing textures, holes in the ground, moving parallax textures, constant crashes, 20 FPS with a 780 6GB,, infinite loading screens, severe hitching, constant quest bugs, etc. etc. etc. What the hell happened man? This game used to run fine. Now no matter what I do, the game ends up in a broken state. I just want to play my modded Skyrim... (cries) EDIT: If anyone would possibly know, what do you guys think about the modding guide I linked above? I've tried to follow it now 3 times and it's failed every time, The game just does not come out stable, and I make sure to follow all the directions in the guide AND more. I individually research every single mod on that list to make sure there is no incompatibilities. I think maybe I shouldn't use this guide anymore. It just doesn't work for me at all. What do you guys think of it? Is it legit or kind of contrived?