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Everything posted by rhino527

  1. So I had a mod request for the DC superhero very own scarlet speedster, The Flash. I was thinking on the lines of a retextured forsworn armor to look like the flash in this link to keep it lore friendly ( http://xleshiyx.deviantart.com/art/The-Berserk-Flash-261360735 ), but in order to obtain the armor one must participate in a small dungeon quest where the player obtains a ring that grants the wearer the ability to not only craft the armor set but also obtain a shout called "Call of the Speedforce" . The shout would work the same as the slow time shout but grants the player normal speed while everyone else move like 75% slower. Now I was also thinking that each armor piece could be enchanted with the abilities that raise stamina and stamina regeneration and fortified unarmed attacks. Also when wearing the full set of armor the wearer would gain a yellow lightning cloak and move at 100% speed, but when using the "Call of the Speedforce" shout they would be moving at a normal persons speed while everyone else moved slower than the player. This was just an idea that I thought would be cool to see in the world of skyrim, and I would really appreciate it Thanx in advance Rhino527
  2. ummmm yeah someone needs to do this!!! like stat :D
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