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  1. I've been playing on my recently-purchased 3DS for about 3 months or so, during which I stopped playing Skyrim entirely; now that I want to go back to playing Skyrim, how exactly should I go about doing that? To put it bluntly, what I'd like to know is what steps I should take - and in what order - so that I may resume playing Skyrim with mods? Before you answer, please note that I'm using SkyUI as well as Silverlock (sp?), not to mention: WryeBash, TESVEdit and BOSS - all of which are only up-to-date in terms of mid/end September.
  2. I assume it would be harmless if you suggest it so casually, but would it be paranoid of me to create a backup save-file beforehand? Maybe even take other safety measures? (just in case something goes terribly wrong... *recalls ASIS experience* :nuke: )
  3. You're right: I double-checked and while the .esm and .bsa files were in the Data folder, the .esp file not only wasn't there, but I'm fairly sure it doesn't exist in my PC. Right now, Skyrim runs just fine with Dawnguard.esm being disabled; as for TES5Edit, when you say 'in both of them', do you mean I should manually go over all the cells within Dawnguard.esm or did I misunderstand? (also, thank you for the quick reply!)
  4. Recently, I decided to ditch both Enchanting and Alchemy in order to make money-gaining more difficult; I figured it would be alright to delete some mod called "Harvest Overhaul" that increases the number of ingredients you can get from animals/plants/enemies, yet (stupidly) deleted the mod without reading its uninstall instructions. Thinking everything had gone smoothly (not sure if Dawnguard.esm was present at that specific point), I then used BOSS to rearrange the load order (I had also deleted Dragon Combat Overhaul, waiting for the updated version) and was surprised to find Dawnguard.esm being one of the mods recognized by BOSS to have been added to the colletion of mods I already have, in spite of the fact I never once purchased and/or installed Dawnguard, physical copy or Steam-provided; now, the .esm itself was inactive and filled with dirty edits (+300, if memory serves), so I went ahead and had it cleaned using TES5Edit and checked the Data folder of Skyrim (in Program Files x86) in order to confirm Dawnguard actually being present - and indeed, Dawnguard.esm and Dawnguard.esp were both there! Finally, I headed over to my Steam account and checked for any changes in the DLC content section, but was told I own no DLC whatsoever... What. The. Heck. tl;dr What should I do with the two new files?
  5. ripple, prod - you guys really helped me out; keep up the great work! With that in mind, this topic is now officially finished :laugh:
  6. Thank you for taking the time to respond and go over the log - I know it couldn't have been an easy task :smile: As for your inquiries: 1. No - I mainly stick to magic/combat-enhancing mods. 2. 3. No, I have not; if necessary (worst case scenario), I'll do just that. 4. You've already provided me with half of the answer - Duel seems to be responsible for most of the log's warnings; the other suspicious mod would be Dragon Combat Overhaul, but its creator ensured me that it's nothing to worry about in terms of unwanted gameplay changes and/or CTDs. I'll go ahead and post today's Papyrus log for a better description of how the game is currently running (I'm actually rather positive - played for 2.5 hours without CTDs!): http://pastebin.com/EfYXwkPA
  7. This is the last post I'm going to make that's not a response, seeing as how I don't wish to be falsely categorized as a spammer; again, if there are other users who can help me make some sense of my logs and CTDs, I'd be very grateful.
  8. Just in case ripple is preoccupied, are there other users who could also help interpret the posted Papyrus log? Also, I've played in my new savefile for two hours before encountering a CTD; the game itself ran smoothly up till that point, so I could post the relevant log if needed.
  9. I'll make sure to keep that WELL in mind in my current save; guess it's a blessing in disguise, too - it felt like I was too focused on getting stronger as opposed to just playing the game, so now I can try and take things nice and slow :smile: Anyway, here's the log: I really hope there's nothing wrong with this time... (looking at you, Dragon Combat Overhaul! :mad:)
  10. Fair enough; as much as I'd hate to abandon the current save, keeping Skyrim stable is of greater importance, so I'll give it a try and post the new Papyrus log, just in case :)
  11. ...Huh, the website doesn't seem to acknowledge that post o_o
  12. I've done as suggested and removed both the unrecognized mod and ASIS (also removed Field Alchemy, because it's pretty useless to me now). From what I was able to gather by taking a brief look at the Papyrus log, there's some sort of "error" that keeps repeating itself - the frightening thing is that the following Papyrus log only summarizes ONE MINUTE of gameplay; even going as far as two or three minutes into the log, would've resulted in the sheer amount of text basically jamming the server :blink: Also, Skyrim.ini:
  13. I left every mod - ASIS, too - as they were; I think it was something about the rebuilt Bashed Patch - maybe I didn't load the mods and/or rebuild the patch itself, properly? (the whole "load every mod that the mod you're going to deal with, depends on" or something like that); then again, this whole mess started once I finally got around to using BOSS, TES5Edit and Wrye Bash for the first time, so I (probably) messed things up at some point and it made the game go haywire - I guess BOSS' load order could be the right one and Wrye Bash was at fault? :confused: Also, about ASIS - should it go just one space before the Bashed Patch (not taking the unactivated music mods into account), or does it have some spot it needs to be in, specifically? And finally, thank you VERY much for your dedication! I think most users would've thrown in the towel by now!
  14. After messing around with Wrye Bash (as well as my load order) a bit more, my game has somehow been stabilized; I played for 100 minutes and experienced no CTD's - whatever it is I did, seems to have restored some balance into things (like whacking a TV if it's not working). I don't know why, but it seems as though BOSS' order was the cause of the frequent CTD's; I'll go ahead and post my personal load-order for comparison, as well as BOSS' suggested order and Wrye Bash's findings.
  15. Dear GOD, is this messed up :nuke: I've started using BOSS in conjunction with Wrye Bash and TES5Edit, but now Skyrim will CTD every 10 minutes... With literally no idea what's going on, I'm in serious need of help now.
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