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Everything posted by MadSolar

  1. How do you update the NMM if you can only log into offline mode? I tried to click the Update NMM button, but it does nothing. Please help.
  2. Do you know if this mod is on the Nexus? Unfortunately this mod is not on the Nexus.
  3. I really think this lich mod has some things going for it: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=142535664 I love the model this mod uses for the lich! But, unfortunately this mod utilizes the Dragon Priest animation for the lich, which means you have no jump ability, which makes it a bit impractical. I would change it to the Vampire Lord animation allowing you to have both a ground form and a levitation form.
  4. A few days ago I ran into a problem where I can no longer summon anything. This includes vanilla creatures such as familiars and even modded conjuration spells from spell packs. When I cast a conjuartion spell that is supposed to summon a minion, nothing happens. I will recieve the initial casting sound effect, but not the portal sound effect, nor will the portal appear. I have tried disabling other mods to fix this, but nothing works. When I load a much earlier save, I can summon creatures just fine and everything works. The only conjuration spell I have that actually works on my more current saves is my summon skeletal horde spell, which can be found right here on the nexus. I suspect this mod to be the problem, but as I said, when I disable this mod it has no affect on solving the problem. Please help me fix this issue, summoning creatures is one of my favorite things to do in skyrim!
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