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Everything posted by MagnusThorek
Is it possible, maybe by editing something in the Coalesced, to regenerate to full health, maybe if sticking enough time in cover, like it was in ME2 instead of only the last bar available, individually? I don't want to cheese out, In all my playthroughs in the last decade, I always played on Insanity and most of the times I saw myself fighting through big stuff with one bar because the first movement I make in battle everything (shields and all but one bar) is taken down. I tried to change SFXGame.SFXModule_damageplayer\healthregenpct in this file from 0.25f to 1.0, 1.0f and even 100 without success (at least after an earlier fight on Mars the one bar didn't recover). The only intention with this is to not take too long each fight. The fighting style of an Adept is fast but with this... "immersion" each fight is "unnecessarily" longer. Note: I would strongly prefer to not have to install anything that could conflict with anything done by A.L.O.T. because it takes a hell of a time to install >.<
Recently I decided to try out the new version of Inigo along with Chaconne together using AFT and because I use Elysium Estate as my home I needed My Home is Your Home to set the preference for them. However, when it's sleeping time, Inigo picks his bed and Chaconne picks the same bed he chose and they sleep not together but one "inside" the other, like clipping through to each other. What could be the problem? The follower manager, the follower(s) it/themselves, the house or the later?
Is there a mod, as much lore-friendly as possible, that allows creation of fire, frost and void salts? I know I can craft them in the Atronach Forge with regular salts, jewels and soul gems, but I was thinking something easier and maybe more chemical than magical and, of course, less tedious than go down The Midden that often. I first though about the Imbuing Chamber, but there very few house mods that includes it.
Yes! Read the forum description. I was having an issue trying to get the mod working for me.
There is not bug, so I wouldn't annoy the creators. It was just not clear enough in their Guide.
Well... I don`t exactly what but I decided to craft everything available and then the "Cook Accomodations" unlocked and after crafted the Ledger worked.
What exactly is needed to allow me to use the Ledger and thus recruit staff? I've read the Guide several times and did everything, again, again and again (mainly because the Skeevers problem). I've lit the torches outside, inside, I've cleaned the dirt (although the cobwebs in the basement remain), I built the studying desk and all kitchen furniture but the Ledger still "says" that I need to build "recruit accommodations" but there is not such thing in the Carpenter's Bench.
What exactly would be this configuration I should search in my EFI? And of course, what value it should be set? And I know I would not be able to run everything, but I did know I could at least not run on low/medium quality. And uGridsToLoad... I would NEVER touch that thing again. I almost lost my entire playthrough once by messing with it. My current display is Samsung T24B350, running at 1920x1080. I tried to not run Skyrim in fullscreen, but apparently OneTweak is forcing it.
When I bought my computer, I couldn't afford a dedicated GPU. Now I bought a Zotac GTX 660 (and a stronger Seasonic PSU) mainly for, but not restricted to, gaming. But one thing I noticed is that the overall performance, sometimes, seems to be slower than my previous iGPU, from my Intel i5 3570. As an example I could say the "fade" transition to and back from a lock screen (Windows+L). With this new GTX 660 I see a black screen for a brief moment, 1~2 seconds, while the transition is happening. And with the iGPU it was less perceptible. As in gaming, I really enjoyed Skyrim, which is a fantastic game, but ugly and bugged as hell. So even with the modest power of an iGPU I always ran it full of mods, several related to graphical improvements. The same mods I'm using with this new GPU and the game is lagging where the iGPU wasn't. It wasn't perfect, I was aware of restrictions (so sacrifices were made) but it ran decently. For instance, as you may know, interiors are less intense than exteriors, so the probability of lagging would be lower while inside a building. Currently, I tested just in one building, and the FPS dropped considerably while turning the camera (from 60 to 15). I stopped it (the camera) and good again. In case of Skyrim especifically, I played around with settings, removed shadows, added multi-thread instructions and even the loads seems to be slower. Another reason I spent money in a new card was to used post-processing like ENB in older games, Skyrim included. But with these... oddities, I just can't and before decided about this card, I've read several articles, user experiences, user specs and some of them had at least this card. To be honest, I never had a good GPU, I don't know if there is something else I should be configuring, maybe. This was my first and I paid a lot for it (in my country due excessive taxes and exchange rates, the prices tripled from the average $250 we find around Internet) and I don't have even a clue what could possibly going on. My HD is defragmented, my registry clean, no viruses, I don't have lots of RAM but I think 8GB is not something trivial, drivers updated everything I could think about I did and I still think something is hanging up the processing power. Any ideas?
I saw recently an ENB preset which, from the screenshots, seems to transform Skyrim in something less realistic more anime games. I can`t find it now, but it`s recent and one of the picture seems to be a girl in black leather clothes with a bright blue sky behind.
LE Spawn Weapon Plaque/Racks Mod Request
MagnusThorek replied to jabcreations's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I know this an extremely old topic but it would very nice indeed to have such feature or, at least, an Armory to display all the Armors and Weapons we collected around the game world. Sjel Blad Castle has an Armory where you can add an armor set to a mannequin and all the weapons related to that set around it in weapon plaques (instead of the ugly weapon racks). It's beautiful but it has two problems: 1) When full of Armors/Weapons the room becomes super-laggy and not even the mannequin script fix can help to avoid them to wander around. 2) Even with dozens of mannequins it can't afford all the Vanilla's Clothes that worth to display (like Hold Guard Armors) nor it have enough mannequins to hold mods like "Opulent Outfits - Mages of Winterhold" or "Konahrik's Accoutrements - Dragon Priests Armory" in the same room without "force" us to chose between one or other sets. Of course, there are several other mannequins around the Castle but for those who want only the Armory to display their trophies have all the items spread around is not good. -
Let me explain first. I was playing the "Agent of Righteous Might" after several hours of gameplay, time in which I already had my Dragonplate Armor parts, all upgraded and enchanted. And before effectively start the quest I forgot to give these items to a follower, to Dragonborn's Pack Mule Dremora, store in a house or any other way I could get it later. As a result, the first time I could go back to my house (in terms of mod's questline) I had to recreate all of them. Now, after finished, I have a few duplicates I would like to sell but none of them could not be bought even for Thieves Guild's Fences, as they worth much more than 4k. So, I was looking for a mod that allow me "uncraft" these items back to their primary materials. I've found some, of course, but they sounded incomplete or not lore-friendly. The closest was one from Steam Workshop but it has a nasty bug or at least an oddity. I can uncraft, for example, the second Dragonplate Armor I have, but I have no means to distinguish what Armor I'm uncrafting: The extra one, unenchanted and so, or the regular one I'm using daily, with all the enchantments and upgrades. Also, this mod gives me only one of the primary materials. A Dragonplate Armor is made of Dragon Bones, Scales and Leather Strips as you may know. If I uncraft it with this mod, I have to chose between one of the three. To be lore-friendly it MUST have some sort of degradation, like, for example, not allowing the leather strips to be received, but "force" us to pick the bones or the scales instead both of them (although I have a lot of scales without use) it's not right I think. And it's a Steam mod. I backed it up to use within Mod Organizer fearing to mess something. Fortunately, it was just one ESP and nothing were harmed, but in any case... Is there anything like this available?
I have an additional information which, if posted together with main post, could pass unnoticed. I accidentally noticed that if I run faster than your follower I can "teleport" from one room / cave to other before him / her. And I did this while entering Adal Matar Cave, leaving Serana behind. And all the visibility returned. I went back, and then I saved and tryied to enter again and this Serana came with me and the problem happened again. I went back one more time, asked her to stay there, and when I entered no problems occurred. So, now, before entering any cave I think it may mess up anything, I ask her to wait, I enter alone and then call her with console and ask her to follow me again. It's working, but how? Or better, why?
Good morning, Recently I'm experiencing a very weird and annoying bug with some caves added by mods which are preventing me to fully explore them. So far I noticed this bug in two caves: Adal Matar Cave, inside Adal Matar Mine, a location part of Adal Matar - Fight against the Thalmor I mod and, if I'm not wrong about the name, Soul Shadows / Snow Cave, part of Borderlands mod, right after killing the giant after cross the White Mountain gates. Both these names refer to the same cave, but for some reason the related sidequest uses one name but the cave entrance says other. The bug itself is I have almost zero visibility inside these caves. For a very short instant, less than a second, I can see the cave normally, but right after this "blink" everything gets darker than most dark Falmer cave Bthesda provided us (Darkfall Cave, maybe?) and I can only see a few colored parts of them which, with full visibility could be the light reflections in the walls. If I'm hit by anything inside these caves, which adds a blood splat in the screen representing I'm wounded, instead of the normal and simple blood I see a red circle, like with some texture was missing. First time I noticed this bug was right after test the Optimizer Textures application. Thinking this could be the problem, I reverted the backup but the problem persisted. Also, I already tried disable any mod I thought could be causing light issues like Wearable Lanterns, Colorful Lights - No Shadows, Pure Weather, Lanterns of Skyrim (and patches) and even Solstheim Climate Overhaul (just in case). And nothing solved the issue. I'm adding the list of mods I have, most of them are enabled (preceded by a plus sign) but there are some only installed (minus sign): Also, a screenshot of the zero visibility issue (click to enlarge): http://i.imgur.com/NAperTnt.jpg Adal Matr Cave while looking to the its entrance (exit back to Adal Matar Mine) Additional details: - I'm NOT using ENB or FXAA. - I'm using latest version of SKSE with following directives added to skse.ini: [Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 [General] ClearInvalidRegistrations=1I'm using latest HiAlgoBoost only because I'm currently using a iGPU and sometimes the FPS drop too much. However this iGPU, defined to use 1GB of RAM (maximum allowed by my ASUS motherboard) never gave me any other issues, and I'm already with 126 active mods according to B.O.S.S. Also, I disabled it before enter this cave and problem persisted. Last lines (and more issues): The "Load" option in System Menu is grayed out, preventing me to load a previous save inside the cave. This is not major to me because I save several times along my way almost all of the times. I can't open the Local Map inside the caves. I press the button and nothing happens. Usually I don't need these maps, but complex caves/dungeons, like Nchuand-zel (the bug doesn't happen here, it's just an example of Local Map usage), it's important. And finally I can't open the Journal. The associated key, instead of trigger the Journal, opens the System Menu and all the upper options, which could allow access to "Quests" option are also grayed out. Phew! I detailed my problem as much as I could and I hope anyone can help me here. But if you need anything else, just ask.
Yeah, but I'm using MO so it may be different. But the most important thing here is I don't know what are the SevenBase counterparts for armors, textures...
Hi folks, After spending so many in game time very close to Faralda and Collete while raising my Mage Skills I would like to change from CBBE to, from what I could see, SevenBase as a more realistic female shape. Although from pictures UNP Blessed seemed very nice too. I spent a lot of time trying to understand CBBE, BodySlide, searching for armors, better textures and etc. that I became too focused on CBBE. I exported the list of mods I have active right now and, could you please check what I would have to re-download to match in a SevenBase? Here is the list: There a few of them inactive (preceeded by minus sign) because I hadn't the time to check them yet. One second thing. In my previous playthrough I had A LOT of CTDs and I couldn't understand why as I was installing everything very carefully, always reading install instructions, manuals, forums and so on and almost all of them were related to character body or character skeleton. Can I change from CBBE to SevenBase SAFELY? The install instructions of SevenBase kind of scared me like I could mess everything up and lost more than 400 hours of gameplay. So I would need some (well explained, if possible) guidelines to get it working. Awn... One last thing, I'm using Mod Organizer instead of NMM. [EDIT] Moderators, for some reason the subject was not saved properly. The correct one is "Changing from CBBE to SevenBase"
[LE] Renovate your House with console
MagnusThorek replied to Shawkab's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Well, seems this topic is not dead. Good! Since me and Creation Kit are too opposite forces, I'll renovate HF houses with console. With some efort, I think it will be fine. Well, I deleted a wall in order to modify the house structure a little bit. But, for my surprise it was only one single huge wall and because one of the wings are a little irregular in the whole earthwork, I got an empty space (pointing to sky - super logic). After some tries I managed to position a floor (soooo hard) to cover that hole. But I can't stand on it! I tried to save and reload, disable and enable, exit game and start it again but nothing works, I keep falling... to second floor (super logic again) Any clues? -
You misunderstood me. I`m not a modder, I`m just a fan and this is why I made this request. And about permissions, how could I have it if the author doesn't seem to work in the project (based on changelog)?
I don't really know if this is the place to ask this but, can I request a mod to have some features changed? The mod I'm talking about is this one. It's great, clean, organized and I do have several ideas for it, but the one I would like for now is replace the Weapon Racks with two Weapon Plaques (for one weapon only - exclusivity is the key). This would reduce the number of weapons that can be displayed in this house, but if I did the math correctly, from the three wings this mod have, even with this replacement all the weapons in skyrim and DLCs can be displayed (at least the ones which worth to be displayed). Other ideas (if this topic is embraced as personal project) includes: Move slightly its icon on the map. It's too close of "The Ritual Stone" and "Graywinter Watch"Remove the Weapon Plaques from walls junctions. Since it's a small corridor, weapons on them may be unnoticed.Remove the shelves in the back of these wings adding doors to other Armory rooms. Not only it would bring back the displaying capacity reduced by the initial suggestion, but it'll also allow themed rooms (one for archery, other for heavy armors...)And the fact they're decorated with some of the Thieves' Guild artifacts do not make me happy too, after all, they should be unique, right?Delete all books added in The Archives' Bookcases. One of the reasons a custom house have bookshelves is estimulate player to find all books. In fact, if I was the modder, I would replace all of them with tables and chairs so, conceptually speaking, people can sit and read their books because the lower bookshelves can hold 920 books (18 books per shelf * 3 shelves per bookshelf * 18 bookshelves in room) and there are "only" 820 in Skyrim + DLC (and this counting the contracts, bounty rewards, notes, recipes and etc.)Remove the strongboxes, barrels, alchemy and enchanter tables from The Archives. Doesn't seem to make much sense, even the concept of "read a book, learn something and practice immediately" is valid.In fact, in "The Armory" one of the four corners in the ante-room of Armory's Wings (the one with Tanning Rack) there are two useless tables which could be removed to add the Alchemy and Enchant tables. The Tanning would need to be moved to somewhere and I think it would fit perfectly where there is an Anvil (since there are no differences between Anvils and Blacksmith Forges)Personally I don't like display cases, their frosted glass do not allow weapons to be seen so striking but, some people like them and since this could be a public mod, perhaps allowing the larger display cases to hold two different small weapons would be nice, specially to display weapons made to be shown in pairs, like Eduj & Okin or Bloodscythe and Soulrender.The addition of small Display Cases, specially for daggers like Blade of Woe or Nettlebane, could be nice tooImprove The Vault a little bit. Not too much ideas here, i just think the Dragon Priests Busts should not be that hidden.In "The Armory" ante-room there are some... "wooden walls" around the fire. I don't know you but I think is ugly, specially for a Dwemer-style.I missed a place to add the Dragon Claws. I've seen some mods with a proper display case like this but most of them come filled with unwanted replicatesAnd, the last one coming in my mind is people! Vistors, guards... AnyoneWell, these are the suggestions that come in my mind. I know there are several people like me, fanatic for items collection and, most important, people who never found a perfect house mod to show all their stuff.