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  1. Howdy! I just came across some folks that had been kills and one of them had a note on him. He and his group had been sent out to find and kill the fugitive Atulg Gro-Dul. It gave me a quest as well as a map marker, but I can't seem to get to the darn place! Anyone ever heard of this quest and any idea how to travel to it? Thanks, Wade
  2. It started out with the Partner's ring not showing up and then there was one other mod that the we had to use the console to add the item to my inventory. However, this is the first mod that I was not able to figure out a work around of some kind. It's called The Dwarves of the Mountain. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22268. Great idea about leveling up with the console. I did turn off all the mods except the Dwarves one and it still wouldn't work, but the problem may still longer. Thanks! Wade
  3. Hum... It just wouldn't be the same if I got rid of all my mods. :-) I've installed a different mod and not seeing the issue with it. Oh well! :-)
  4. Anyone else have any ideas why this might be happening?
  5. New update!!! I've removed all of my MODS, except one, including Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles. All that's being loaded is the one MOD Chapter One: The Dwarves of the Mountain. Still seeing the problem. Just too weird!
  6. My mistake! It's tons of keys, not rings. I only have two rings. I tried dropping all mu stuff, standing there naked and pick up the armor, but it still won't appear in my inventory. I think XxPockieNinjaxX might be on to something. I tried removing mods one at a time to see if the problem was corrected and discovered I can't disable CM Partners! Oblivion won't run without it. It's a slow process, but I'll keep at it. I'll try to post my mod list here.
  7. Howdy! I've been having an issue with items not showing up in my inventory. The first one I noticed was the CM Companion rings were missing. Not saying it was the cause, just that it was the first thing I've noticed. Now after playing several mods, I'll have an item that's critical to the quest and when I pick the item up, I can't find it in my inventory. I've tried reducing the amount of "stuff" I'm carrying, except for the ton of rings, but that didn't change anything. Has anyone come across this before? Thanks, Wade Correction: That's tons of keys, not rings. Sorry about the mistake! I only carry two rings.
  8. Thanks, I'll check that out!! I do have a ton of potions. And yes, all of my weapons and armor are at 125%.
  9. Hello, I've noticed that items are not always showing up in my inventory. I was on the Umbra quest and collected the armor with no problem. However, the sword wouldn't show up in my inventory. I reloaded a previous saved game and tried again with the same results. Since then I've noticed other items not showing up. If I used the repair hammer, Umbra's sword was seen there. Anyone else seen this problem? Thanks, Wade
  10. I have to agree! Plus it was so dang short! For $40 bucks i want a little more bang for my buck! What happened to the interaction between you and the other characters? Forget a romance! There's no time for it or a place. :-) I feel I've been cheated. i do love the game, but i expected so much more.
  11. Once you find all of the notes, you'll go back to the Assembly and find a vase that you can click on and it will have the key. You REALLY want to get this! +2 to all stats if I remember right.
  12. OK, so now that I'm a Grey Warden, I'll head back over and then I'll get the quest. Sure wish there was a cut scene for the bedrtoom! Feel like I've been cheated some how. HAHA!! Thanks for the replies from everyone. I'm REALLY looking forward to the new expansion later this month. Mine's already ordered!
  13. I did take up her offer and she said she'd see me back at my room later that night. Is that it? I was expecting a cut scene showing our meeting in the bedroom.
  14. Right after I tall the brother that the king wants to see him, I'm sent to the deeproads and miss the encounter with Teli and Mardy. Anyone else having this problem?
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