Hello everyone. I'm having a problem. Whenever I place dragon priest masks on a mantle, including the quest mantle that unlocks the final mask - when I try to remove the mask, they simply animate as if being removed and then vanish. They don't exist anymore. I have two homes that have mantles to display the masks, so I thought one of these mods might be affecting the way mask behavior functions. I tried uninstalling them one by one and retesting the masks to no avail - the mods are Helgen Reborn and Build Your Own Home. As a result of testing them, I do not think these mods are causing this problem. The only other mods I have installed that may be messing with mask behavior are all of the unofficial skyrim patches. I doubt these patches are affecting the mask behavior in this way, but I suppose it's a possibility. I have few other mods installed, and I can't imagine any of them would cause this problem. I know that mask behavior is meant to be different than simply picking up an item because a new mask is supposed to be created when you remove it from a mantle. This is why any smithing improvements made to the masks disappear. It seems as though my save is not creating a new mask for my inventory when I remove masks from any of the mantles (even the original ingame quest mantle). I've gone ahead and given myself some replacements using the console commands, but would very much like to squash this bug. Can anyone help?