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Posts posted by flashyraccoon


    I notice in CK if you duplicate a cell it flags the original cell as changed.

    Once that happens then you now have an instance of the original cell also in your esp (even though nothing was changed at all).


    So in TES5Edit you would see the original cell.

    You also see your duplicate cell.


    If your mod isn't altering those original cells at all, then in TES5Edit load your mod and if the original cells are listed then remove those original cells from your mod.

    (leaving your duplicate cells still intact).


    Well that's what I did when I duplicated a cell and the original got flagged as changed.


    Now days I don't duplicate vanilla cells, I create a new cell set it up the way I like and then if I need a cell i duplicate my own cell.

    This way I'm not having to clean CK dirty edits for vanilla cells.


    So, when I load my mod in TES5Edit, where would I see the original cell, if it was listed? I can't find it in the right hand window - do I have to find in in the drop down menu on the left?

    Sorry I've never had something like this happen and have no experience fixing it...


    Same goes for those seperate entries, where would I find them to remove them?


    When it comes to the location references - I assumed I had changed the cell properties correctly, in the drop down menu I selected none for each cell... so I don't know where that information made it into my mod... :/


    Thanks a lot for your help!




    Okay so I found the bookshelf reference in TES5Edit, now I don't want to mess anything up - do I just right-click on it in the menu on the left and then clock on remove?

  2. Hey guys!


    I really hope someone can help me with this; apparently people who download my mod get a message from TES5Edit that the mod overwrites the interior cells "Abandoned Prison" and "Bolli's House".

    I dupliated those cells and in the duplicates, I built the interiors of my mod. I checked, the original cells are still there and seem to be intact.


    Do I have to worry about that? Does that mean the mod causes bugs with the vanilla cells? How do I fix it?


    I'm pretty sure the game thinks my copies of the cells are like a second version of those, and thus thinks I overwrote them, even though I just changed the duplicates I made...


    I would appreciate your help!


    - flashy

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