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About jaydawg55

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  1. You might only need to install Vortex, switch to the Games tab, search for FO76 and then select it. There is a chance that Vortex will recognize mods you already have installed in the FO76 game directory. If not, then yes, you have to delete the mods and re-install.
  2. You haven't provided much information for anyone to help you figure out what went wrong or how to fix it. The error messages suggest to me that you did not install all software needed to use Collections (failed to install dependency). If you are using Vortex as your mod manager, you should make sure you are using the latest stable version with all options installed. I don't know how to use Collections if you are using a different mod manager. My access to Collections is seamless from within Vortex and I am using one Collection for Skyrim SE/AE right now.
  3. Check out the mod called 'Proteus' on the Nexus. You can use it to make followers or to play different parts of Skyrim as a different character.
  4. There is an up-to-date mod on the Nexus called 'Proteus' that will allow you to create multiple characters in the same game world. You can create followers with it or play some parts of Skyrim as a different character (like a mage character for the College or an Orc in a stronghold). Read the description carefully because this mod does many things.
  5. I do not recall having to add an extension to Vortex for Fallout 4. So, I will have to try out Game Wizard to see what it can do for me. When you say 'it works' does that mean you can add mods and play the game without issues? EDIT: Looking over the mod, I noticed the description said this extension is intended for use with games that are not currently supported by Vortex but are easy or simple to mod. That sounds more like a tool for someone who wants to make their own mods. Is that what you want to do?
  6. I have been using Vortex since it was an alpha product. I have used it for Bethesda games and Dragon Age games successfully. What version of Vortex are you using? I have stable version 1.9.5 installed. Does your game launch and run properly but without any of your mods installed present or does it crash immediately? Which mods have you installed? If it is a long list, just list a few mods you installed that you say are not working in your game. The Witcher 3 is in my game collection, but I have installed very few mods. I will try installing some of your mods in my game and report what happens.
  7. To find an answer to your second question first, I just browsed Nexus Mods Baldur's Gate 3 for 'Mod Manager' and found links to a couple fix mods for it. After checking the Description page for one of these mods under Requirements I found a link below Off-site Requirements that re-directed me to a Github page where I could obtain the BG3 Mod Manager. BG3 Mod Manager appears to be under active development. The Github link is below: GitHub - LaughingLeader/BG3ModManager: A mod manager for Baldur's Gate 3. As to your first question, maybe Vortex wants you to use BG3 Mod Manager instead. There are some games that would require a lot of Extension work to enable Vortex to support them. Maybe the dev team does not have the resources to do that work right now.
  8. This looks like something that already exists (leather doublet) in mod form. Check Nexus Mods.
  9. Have the mods in the Collection been updated since you last installed them? What game is the Collection designed for? Have you contacted the Collection's curator?
  10. I have only been able to do that if I select Edit on the Profile when I want to review the full description. You could try that.
  11. It appears that Vortex cannot access the files in the new location. That is some kind of a permissions issue with your operating system (Windows 10? 11?). On what drive is Vortex installed? Did you buy Skyrim SE through Steam or GOG or somewhere else?
  12. The error message seems to mean that Vortex cannot find the extension it needs to support Baldur's Gate. Click the Vortex Extensions tab and check the list to see if you have it installed. If it is not there, find it, then re-install and activate it. Close out of Vortex before you try to launch the game again. Wait a bit before you re-launch Vortex. Check to make sure the BG3 is still there and it is enabled before you try to launch the game from within Vortex. Did the error go away?
  13. What has changed in your Vortex setup in the two years since you made those original saves?
  14. The archive formats of Skyrim LE and SE are different. Mods with archives made for LE have to be converted for use in SE. Your saved file seems to be remembering that you had an LE format archive installed and is recognizing that the SE archive version you currently have installed does not match. You might be able to get rid of the error message if you: 1. Launch the game with the SE mod installed and then immediately save it in a separate file. 2. Be sure to delete the saved game file with the LE mod so you don't open it again by mistake. 3. Exit the game back to Windows. 4. Re-launch the game and open your new save. If this does not work, then your only option I know of is to delete the LE save and re-start your playthrough from an earlier save file that does not have any LE mod data in it.
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