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About zopwertty

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  1. FOR ALL project stopped,because edge working in FOLON team and he no have time for its mod BUT dont worry, he will ever return to work, sooner or later
  2. im think it,because in fallout 76 have prewar texture of nuka cola mechanic
  3. im make perfect clean texture and clean and repair locations and landscape,but im no can remake 3d models of broken things(like toilet and roads) 3ds Max or other program no important,final step its convert into .nif modelfirst screenshot:https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/174727/ im hope for your help to make far harbor,park nuka-world,and boston(and another cities) great again. Zopwertty
  4. Im have car for FOLON too: http://img.thedailybeast.com/image/upload/v1492200042/galleries/2014/05/26/america-s-dream-cars-one-of-a-kind-models-that-changed-the-way-we-drive-photos/140723-Dreamcars-gal04_bjwixg.jpg Its car made in 50x. Zopwerrty
  5. My idea :private civilian helicopter I know that Mr. house's parents (from fallout:new Vegas) had a private helicopter, and the parents were killed in the same helicopter during the storm.This proves that rich people have their own civilian helicopter.Two variants:a-black helicopterimage:https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/67698/108922545.156/0_bbf02_bfb6c661_XXLb-small helicopter with one seat: image:https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/927575/pub_5be14b780d30c900aba88cc8_5be14b8063d2ac00ab42105f/scale_1200 Zopwertty
  6. Interesting you bring up this point about Fallout London. I recently joined the development team. Soon you will be able to see my unique creations that I make for the game! @Zopwerrty - That concept is stunning to look at, although unfortunately I cannot see anywhere in the game this may actually 'Fit' for lack of a better word without severe landscape modification. - Edge Maybe it will be on the railway and not on the monorail, then maybe it can be added.The interior can be designed in the fallout style. Zopwertty.
  7. hmmm,motorhome? Im found something. Peacemaker. link to see:https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/1246934/pub_5c3ee8f9bb0fd300a92f5d95_5c3ee900ef136b00a923db74/scale_1200 https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/1222191/pub_5c3ee8f9bb0fd300a92f5d95_5c3eee52df53e700aa305172/scale_1200 https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/167204/pub_5c3ee8f9bb0fd300a92f5d95_5c3ee900f2c47c00a90c7c67/scale_1200 and in fallout 4 art book vanilla trucks have logo ''brave''.(just fact for new trucks) Zopwertty.
  8. Im know you will start adds military cars,but im found transport named <<the president>> for future plans. More info in here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/66990889/The-President?tracking_source=project_owner_other_projects . Zopwertty.
  9. I have an unusual idea I saw carts with fallout 2. And I want maybe them to be in settlements(for example, at the gates of the diamond city or at the walls of good neighborliness, etc.) and they could be built in their own settlements information from fallout wiki: Brahmin carts are primitive vehicles often used by merchant caravans in New California. These wagons help make the network of caravans that crisscross the Wasteland both profitable and useful. A typical cart is made from the salvaged parts of a private car, typically a light pickup truck. The engine block, cab, and all parts forward of the cargo box are sawn off, leaving the light metal rear cargo box and rear axle, as well as a pair of projecting frame rails. The brahmin is then hitched to these frame rails to pull the wagon. Salvaged tires are still used as wheels. Most carts are approximately six to eight feet long and four to five feet wide, using the average human male as a size referent. This yields a ready-made cart that can accept quite a large load of cargo. Indeed, the most likely limiting factor to a cart's load is the pulling strength of the brahmin to which it is hitched rather than the load limit of the suspension and tires. Cargo is typically tied down and covered in a tarpaulin, rendering what may well be valuable goods into a pile of dingy, nondescript blocks. It is highly unlikely that these carts are capable of gaining much speed, as both the hitch position of the brahmin and the gross weight of a laden cart would preclude high speed. No brakes or other control gear are in evidence, meaning that acceleration, deceleration, and maneuvering all fall to the hitch animal. Indeed, caravans bring many guards along to combat raiders, indicating that the carts themselves are incapable of outrunning threats encountered on the trail. Carts are often found at every settlement of any appreciable size, typically with at least one or two guards loitering nearby. The constant ebb and flow of these carts from settlement to settlement keep trade in motion, delivering goods to settlements unable to produce them and making what little economy exists in the wasteland operate. went see carts? its link:https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/d/d1/BrahminCart.png/revision/latest?cb=20110616201201
  10. Im found some interesting vehicles for mod in The art of Fallout 4 book. Zopwerrty
  11. You planning add fire truck from fallout 76?(and other interesting vehicles from fallout 76)
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