Yup, similar issue for me. I don't know the solution. Some interiors, go in the front door, 10 FPS. COC to the same cell immediately upon seeing the 10 FPS, back to 60 FPS. COC to the cell directly from somewhere else, 60 FPS. No difference after removing ELFX and cleaning save file with Fallrim Tools. Seems to occur after about 20-40 hours of game play. New game, same cell (and load order) no problems. I also seem to first notice it in exterior cells. I don't know if it is related, sometimes I load into a city and the graphics are all low-res on buildings (probably just LODs loading instead of the normal textures), but the FPS is okay, just looks crappy. Usually the frame rate drops then I notice screen flashing. Turning off the ENB helps in some cases but not all. At least it stops the screen flashing. CPU memory is only at 30-40%, GPU is at 25% usage. Doesn't seem to creep upwards over time. Kind of sad that this disease creeped into my game. I have had the same core load list for over a year and thousands of hours of adventuring. Only two things changed "recently". 1) updated Engine fixes, 2) installed ELFX (and patches). If I find anything more concrete I will amend this topic for posterity.