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About pharo3331

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  1. Why fix what ain't broke this new layout is awful images too big and a lot of wasted space sorry but not a fan
  2. Are there any mods that give you doors to build into floors to give access to underground rooms
  3. Apologies for late reply [in hospital] many thanks for all your replies ... I appreciate your opinions ... unfortunately due to other minor problems I have decided to just start a new game and hopefully avoid the same problem ... again many thanks
  4. I recently did a small settlement build at Bunker Hill [2 months ago] did the usual scrapping of trash, cars etc ... now every time I go there my game crashes I have not installed any mods other than one for clothing/armour which I disabled but made no difference still crashes ... is there any way to fix this in game other than going back to before I did the build [not a preferred solution] or is there a mod that can fix this ... any and all suggestions welcome
  5. Hi Fraquar Sorry for late reply [hospital - surgery] many thanks for the info ... I will just have to stick to standard settlement building and the odd bit here and there ... again thanks for the reply
  6. Hi StormWolf01 Many thanks for the info [i'm sorry it's bad news - but life goes on] ... will take a look at SKKs mods have used one or two in the past so I might get lucky ... anyway thanks again and " don't be late for dinner :laugh:
  7. Just a minor question concerning mobile workshops I have noticed a lot of mods about mobile workshops but have yet to find one that actually allows the scrapping of more than just a couple of twigs etc Can someone suggest one that does the same as the main settlement workshops Quite possibly looking in the wrong places but any help would be gratefully appreciated
  8. I have been playing FO4 on and off since release and this is the first time that I have been unable to start a quest ... my problem is this the quest above does not trigger after speaking to Edward Deegan, Cabot House doesn't appear on my map [i know where it is] when I get to the house I can't interact with the intercom so nothing happens ... I have tried reloading earlier saves but with no luck. my question is is there a console command to enable me to start the quest without speaking to Edward ? I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give. Many thanks in advance Edit: I am currently playing Outcasts and Remnants [my only mod so far this playthrough]
  9. Way more than I expected but am going to have a lot of fun playing with the various pieces ... absolutely brilliant thanks
  10. I'm looking for a mod that allows me to repair or build railroad tracks and rail bridges, I vaguely remember seeing one on Nexus some time ago but have forgotten the name of it any help would be appreciated thanks
  11. Minor question ... where can I find/get a workshop bench that allows me to not only build anywhere but also to scrap everything within my chosen build area ... I have tried a few mod versions and also console command but they only allow very limited scrappage ... as I said only a minor question but any advice would be appreciated many thanks in advance
  12. How about VAULT 88 if you haven't done that quest you have the option of taking over the vault by either killing the ghoul overseer or sending her packing [obviously a few other annoyances like a mirelurk queen but once cleared they do not respawn ] ... apart from being one of the largest build areas it has two entrances/exits albeit one by University Point and I'm sure there is someway around that [ the Pharmacy could be used as a secret front] ... In my last playthrough I killed all the raiders at Quincy Quarries and scrapped the spawn points for the remaining two who do respawn and you have a giant space with which to play around ... Being a person of a certain vintage I'm no expert in these matters and it may or may not be a solution but I think it would be worth investigating ... Good luck with whichever place you decide ....
  13. Many thanks for your reply ... yesterday I did actually uninstall both mods but unfortunately the problem persists I was possibly thinking that one or both mods may have corrupted my play thru ... so I'm thinking re-installing would be the only way to go and maybe not install both mods at the same time and see what happens ... again many thanks for your reply
  14. In my current play thru [approx 30 days] I have hit a slight snag NONE of the enemies irrespective of faction re-spawn leaving my game devoid of any enemy interaction ... with the exception of starting a new game is there anything I can do to rectify this anomaly ... at present I am only running 2 mods 1 Outcasts and Remnants 2 Operation Manhattan Both of which I have disabled but the problem persists Any and all help would be gratefully appreciated many thanks in advance Note: I am a person of a certain vintage so replies in plain English would be helpful :confused: :laugh:
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