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About DeadlyDoughnuts

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  1. Hello, Ever since Ive completed the companions quest Ive been having occasional CTD's. I enabled the Papyrus log to try and sort out the issue and found that this stack of errors is being spammed before the crash: [CR13 (000E3163)].cr13questscript.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ? [CR13 (000E3163)].cr13questscript.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124 [CR13 (000E3163)].companionsradiantquest.Setup() - "CompanionsRadiantQuest.psc" Line 41 [CR13 (000E3163)].cr13questscript.Setup() - "CR13QuestScript.psc" Line 26 [CR13 (000E3163)].QF_CR13_000E3163.Fragment_10() - "QF_CR13_000E3163.psc" Line 57 [08/20/2013 - 04:14:42PM] Error: CR13 (000E3163): attempting to start event scoped quest outside of story manager.[CR13 (000E3163)].cr13questscript.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ? [CR13 (000E3163)].cr13questscript.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124 [CR13 (000E3163)].companionsradiantquest.Setup() - "CompanionsRadiantQuest.psc" Line 41 [CR13 (000E3163)].cr13questscript.Setup() - "CR13QuestScript.psc" Line 26 [CR13 (000E3163)].QF_CR13_000E3163.Fragment_10() - "QF_CR13_000E3163.psc" Line 57 [08/20/2013 - 04:14:42PM] Error: CR13 (000E3163): attempting to start event scoped quest outside of story manager. I guess based on the ID it would be related to the companion quest purity but as I mentioned Ive already completed the companion questline so im not sure how it is still causing this issue. Any help/suggestion on how to fix this would be appreciated, thanks.
  2. Hello I am planning on starting a new Skyrim playthrough so i switched over to a new profile in NMM and uninstalled all my mods so i could start fresh and use other mods while keeping my old profile intact. Despite uninstalling all the mods some of the plugins are still in the plugins tab. They are all deactivated in NMM but the plugins still appear. As you can see from the screenshot i have attached there is 0 active mods while a handful of random plugins are still present. Some of them like the ELFX - Dawnguard plugin stayed while the rest of the ELFX plugins were removed correctly. Anyone know why this is or how to fix it? Thanks
  3. I recently bought Fallout 3, however whenever i try to install a mod through NMM i get an error saying "Nexus Mod Manager is not set up to work with Fallout 3, if Fallout 3 is installed rescan for installed games." Despite being set to the right directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty) it still won't reconize Fallout 3 and no matter how many times i rescan it dosent work. Is there something im missing because im not sure why this would not work. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  4. Yeah of course as long as they just change gameplay elements and you steer away from HD texture packs and ENB's you will be fine.
  5. So if you didn't already know the Survivor 2299 website (AKA Fallout 4) is unfourtunatly a fake go check it out for yourself you'll see why... http://thesurvivor2299.com/ Now if you'll excuse me i have to go find my pitchfork.
  6. You CAN install CoT with NMM and for RealVision i recommend using this tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdTuA0np_Wg
  7. You should post a list of the mods your using to try and better understand what could be causing the problem. In the meantime are you using Climates fo Tamriel? I have noticed that when you choose a very dark setting for that mod it tends to desaturate extirior lights greatly.
  8. If you have the hardware to handle it i would consider the Static Mesh Improvement Mod essential. Its also worth checking out Enhanced Distant Terrain and Skyfalls and Skymills. Also for me SkyRe is a must have mod. Finally If your into immersion i would recommend. -iHUD -Audio Overhaul -Wet and cold -Splash of rain -Immersive creatures -Dovahkiin relaxes too As for quest mods can't really give any proper recommendations as i havent had the chance to try out any yet but Helgen Reborn looks rather interesting.
  9. Hopefully its true but im not going to hold my breath, i don't want to be disappointed if it turns out to be a hoax.
  10. Update.esm should be before Dawnguard.esm, Dragonborn.esm and HearthFires.esm. Use BOSS to help sort your load order.
  11. Ethereal Elven Overhaul is pretty nice for fixing up those nasty looking elves. I would also recomend checking out aMidianBorn book of silence, the name is a bit odd but don't be thrown off its a very nice texture pack for armours and weapons and defiantly worth a download.
  12. No harm in trying it out for yourself but i found that Enhanced Lighting was darker then Realistic Lighting in most cases, however i perfer it because i like it dark. Its still worth trying out though, it looks very different and you might find you like it.
  13. I've never found the All-American to be a strong gun. Especially for something requiring 100 skill and being so hard to get. It's basically a Ratslayer, without a silencer, with a bigger magazine, lower AP cost and higher spread. They should have given the All-American a silencer and 3 shot burst in VATS, just so it compete with things like the Gobi and COS Sniper Rifle. As for my top guns. LVL 1-15: Ratslayer LVL 15+ AER14 Prototype Q-35 Matter Modulator Gobi Scout Rifle Pacencia COS Sniper Rifle Forgot about the AER14, i love that gun. Anyway i thought i should mention that the the reason i like the All American so much is its versatility. Its not as acurate as the ratslayer but still fairly acurate for a 5.56mm gun and while not being very powerful per shot it has a high DPS. Also i should have mentioned that i use WME so i have a silencer for it :tongue:
  14. Without a doubt the All American, its kinda tough to get but its defiantly worth it. As for modded weapons i love my L96, thank you Millenia!
  15. Try RobCo Certified, it lets you do just that along with alot more. I won't go into great detail just check it out for yourself.
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