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About Crystallyne27

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  1. I am constantly mousing over the energy bar in the lower right corner to maximize how much I can do before hitting Exhaustion. It occurred to me tonight that it would be fabulous if those numbers were constantly displayed, so I can see it at a glance, without having to mouse over it. If there is a mod that already does this, I couldn't find it. But if someone knows of one already, or wants to undertake this (seemingly) simple mod, I would love you forever! :wub: ...Not that the love of a complete stranger online means much, but...y'know. :sweat: heheheh
  2. You pretty much need to already have a copy of Patch 5 somewhere on your computer. Personally, I had a back up copy of patch 5 without any mods, so that I could use it when changing my mods. I had deleted it after the last patch, but realizing the issue I went through my recycle bin and found the files to restore them. If you don't have a back up copy, then I don't know what to suggest. Several people have asked her for someone to upload the files, but they can't legally allow it.
  3. I'm still playing on the last patch. I didn't get the DLC, and I want to keep using my Mods. So I'll stick with that until a solution is found that lets us use Mods again. :\
  4. If I may post a suggestion, and feel free to delete my post if it's against the rules... Check your Recycle Bin. Hopefully you haven't emptied it recently. That's how I was able to get mine back. Look for the last folder named "Data" and the last file named "package" that you deleted. Move those back into your Patch folder. Check and make sure they're not the modded version (if you want the base patch without any mods). If they're a modded version, keep going back to your recycle bin until you find the one that isn't modded.
  5. You can find instructions on how to fix the mods so they all work in the comments for the DAI Mod Manager. Here is a link to the page. The fix is posted by Renmiri, currently on page 2 of the comments.
  6. When having dialogs, whether with specific companions or elsewhere, I find myself wishing I could see in advance which choices will lower or raise approval with various party members. I use the Dragon Age Origins wiki page a lot for this, but it'd be nice to have some indication right in-game during the dialog. I mean usually you can tell which response is going to bring negative or positive results. But some can be tricky... like Sten. Or other times some responses seem innocuous enough, but then you get a negative hit because apparently they took it differently then it seemed you meant it to be. Does anyone know if a mod like this may already exist? I've been doing some poking around and don't see anything. I know Dialog Tweaks makes a lot of changes, but as far as I can tell it doesn't really do this. (I haven't installed DT, as it seems to be incompatible with another mod, and I just haven't taken the time yet to sort it out. I probably will, though, eventually.)
  7. OOOHH!!! I saw the Personal Annoyance Remover, but I misread the description! I thought it just reduced the cooldown or something. lol I'll check those all out! Thanks a ton!
  8. This mod may already exist, but I haven't been able to find it if it does. I'd like to have a mod that completely removes visual effects from various sustained abilities. Now I generally just have my characters disable sustained abilities when they're out of combat (thank you advanced tactics). But some sustained abilities I don't want to have them turn off out of combat. In particular: Haste. I love Haste. It's so nice to move faster when just running around. I haven't found a mod that just lets you run faster without a sustained ability, either. So I like to have my Mage leave Haste turned on. But I'd rather NOT have the visual effect from it. Can anyone tell me if a mod already exists like this? I've done a LOT of poking around on the Nexus website for DAO, and I've found some to remove VFX from weapons and such. But nothing for sustained abilities, specifically for Haste...
  9. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!! You're my hero! :)
  10. Okay I'm really hoping someone can help me out here, because I'm starting to get really frustrated/angry with all of this. I'm interested in enabling some new tattoos for my character(s) in Dragon Age Origins. In particular I'm interested in using the ones listed here: http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/2115//? Now I'm no computer novice. I've got plenty of other mods installed, and I've learned my way around this. The problem I'm having is this line: "Facial tattoos need to be added via the Toolset." Okay, so I download the Dragon Age Toolset. Now... What the HECK do I do here?!? I can't find a single tutorial that explains how the heck I'm supposed to do this! I've checked several other tattoo mods, and many of them say the same thing, WITHOUT GIVING ANY EXPLANATION!!! I've tried numerous searches through Google, on that website, and on these forums. The very lack of useful information on this makes me feel like it should somehow be obvious how to do this. I'm sorry, but this is completely rediculous!! So please, can someone point out what I'm obviously missing? Because this is making me disgusted with the whole thing. I understand that I probably need to change an existing character in some way. I've even poked around with some of the files from one of my characters in the DA Toolset. All I see is a whole lot of coding that largely doesn't make any sense. I've found some tutorials on using the Toolset, but nothing that goes into how to specifically add tattoos made by other people, or even make my own. Or if I have found them, they read like a textbook and overwhelm me in less than 5 minutes. I've done some very basic computer programming in the past, so I'm not afraid of doing coding and such. But this... I feel like it's going to take me WEEKS to read over all this information just to learn how to do this! It seems like it shouldn't be THAT HARD!!!
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