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About jaysaunders78

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    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4
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    Fallout 4

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  1. Thank you all for replying, Yes I have read about mod changes baking into save games before and know it's a problem, I tend to save my game before I make a mod, then load up my save with mod activated to test it, I then exit without saving (I never load an auto save) only the save I made before adding the mod. I will check out (UniversityPoint02) and see if I can figure it out but like you said it seems as though it has the same problem, it's a shame to have to compromise but maybe I will put the weapon in a container , I guess I want the weapon ingame more than stressing over getting it on the table the right way round first. Thanks for trying to help me guys, I will re-post here if I find a solution, in case it helps some one else.
  2. Hi there, I'm no expert on weapons but what your looking for looks a lot like the Handmade Rifle from the Nuka World dlc fully done up on the weapons work bench as a sniper rifle. If you have that dlc you should check it out in game or just look at this pic of it https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=fallout+4+Handmade+Rifle&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjztNvug9nYAhUHBsAKHRLIDrQQ_AUICygC&biw=1536&bih=748#imgrc=kc5vDWLIy5xWlM: and decide for your self. Hope this helped.
  3. I wounder if someone can help me, I followed this tutorial to create a legendary weapon using a small quest, then placed it in the game world using an xmarker as the video described and it worked great. My problem is that in game the weapon is placed at the wrong orientation, I thought that if I rotated the xmarker in the creation kit it would fix it but it stayed the same. so how can I make it so the weapon faces in the right direction when spawning it in with an xmarker. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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