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About aiTookMyJob

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  • Discord ID
    InnocentNickF #6162
  • Country
    United States
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 4, Diablo 2, Ultima Online

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  1. Looking for Voice Actress to play the role of Mary Jane a companion in Fallout 4. :) Mod Page: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39893 Casting Call Page: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/fallout-4-mary-jane-companion Please feel free to audition at the above link or message me directly via Nexus Messenger.
  2. did u try selecting them opening looks menu change their hair then put their hair back to the way it was exit looks menu and their face should be fixed, worked for me even tho its kinda time consuming if u have to do it to multiple npcs
  3. Thank you for the reply though I was way over thinking things haha
  4. The issue is I'm not getting any compile errors but the script isn't working either, I'm not sure where I messed up but I've been stuck for like 7 hrs now :/
  5. ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment Scriptname Fragments:Quests:QF_LtC_MaryJ_Quest_01000F99 Extends Quest Hidden Const ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Stage_0001_Item_00 Function Fragment_Stage_0001_Item_00() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE affinityscenehandlerscript Quest __temp = self as Quest affinityscenehandlerscript kmyQuest = __temp as affinityscenehandlerscript ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE If (Alias_MaryJ.GetActorRef().GetItemCount(LtC_Wine) == 1 && Alias_MaryJ.GetActorRef().GetItemCount(LtC_Rose) == 1) (Alias_MaryJ.GetActorRef() as CompanionActorScript).RomanceSuccess() kmyquest.UnlockedInfatuation() Debug.MessageBox("You have romanced Mary Jane") Else Debug.MessageBox("Give Mary some wine and a flower for a Romantic evening.") EndIf ;END CODE ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment ReferenceAlias Property Alias_MaryJ Auto Const Mandatory Potion Property LtC_Wine Auto Const Potion Property LtC_Rose Auto Const
  6. I made a custom human race for my companion and now the power armor becomes invisible. She looks disfigured until I take her out, what am I missing or possibly doing wrong?
  7. Quest stage set to 10, Condition run phase if stage 20 but still runs when stage is set to 10? I attached a picture please lend me your logic because my mind is not thinking logically unfortunately. :/
  8. When I make first meet, recruit my companion, and dismiss my companion everything is fine, but when i reRecruit my companion the same reRecruit greeting and dialogue pop up instead of the normal recruit dialogue, what could be the issue I have tried setting conditions of If GetInFaction - CurrentCompanionFaction == 0 (works), but when I set change scene phase back to recruit phase and I set condition GetInFaction - CurrentCompanionFaction == 1 (doesnt work) there is no change of scene or dialogue, why is my companion not entering the CurrentCompanionFaction == 1? I have aslo tried setting conditions to quest stages with no luck.
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