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Everything posted by philosopher101

  1. Before i go to bed, I shall try my hand at the science answer, My thoughts were originally DNA, but that seemed unlikly, And then i considered a nesscesary componet to Life of earthly standards, Say Carbon, or water. But the term Golden Mean, was what originally lead me to sunlight, Unless "mean" is a refrence to math. Also an essecelass portion to whatever it is implies an insubstantial piece, That could be anynumber of... well "mystical" things, Love, the force, As for an insubstantial science component to life on earth? Quarks, i say quarks.
  2. I wasn't checking google, but thanks for the heads, up, Well i'll give it soem thought and come back tommorow, Otherwise i woudl just blurt out my next 50 guesses.
  3. Perhapes Sunlight, the basis of all life on earth.
  4. The following is a poem/song i wrote when i was a younger man, It's about a number of girls who i had all known and liked, But i never actually took any initaive. Never asked for numbers, never took them out. I found this in an old journal of mine, and i am writting this as it was written oh so long ago, i won't call it beatiful or a on-hit wonder but imagine if these words were said to you, sung to you. Be brutal and honest if it's bad it's bad. I originaly titled it. Never been in love before. I have been thinking for the whole day, But I just don't know what i ought to say. Because i believe i like you, and now i have no clue what to do. I have been wathcing for all this time, and i can never seem to get you off my mind. Well I still don't know what to do, Because i think, I love you. I've never been in love before, Maybe one day i shall come to your door, But i just don't know, as i've never felt this way before. We've known each other for all these years, and the whole time i silently wiped away my tears. Now i don't think i can keep going on like this, one day i'll be sure you'll see, as i tell you what i was thinking of you and me. It's too loate now, and i must go, But before i just wanted you to know. Please don't worry it's no one's fault, for i locked my feelings in a vault. What i was doing was no mistake, Now you should now that i can make, my own way as the sun is clouded high above, I ask you only to remember that i've never been in love. Maybe i should... Go get the girl.
  5. Of course the cake is a lie, but the game is good. I find the puzzles interestig even after you've compleated the game. I wonder if there will be sequals, more anyway.
  6. I'm a Sid Meiers Fan, and so play a lot of civ4 and still civ3, Beyond that the only other tbs that still holds sway over me is the Homm series, With Homm3 beign my favorite, Heroes 5 is decent but i guess you just can't beat the classics.
  7. They were going bankrupt, tough times ya know...
  8. Well yeah but i was kinda refering to the older versions to. Homm3 being my favorite.
  9. I've always liked the Homm, series and the musci that comes alogn with it. Helps me think.
  10. Bannin all who have not been banned. Because that's my job.
  11. I love the forums too, but they don#t give me post credit. Maybe i should go back to Philosophical question of the week. Nah bad idea... After all i swore i wouldn't
  12. I hereby appologize for sefimkeriblinijism and shall strive never to do it again in future. Saturation point means wasder momentarally brought me back to the real world.
  13. bannin both of you cause this has reached saturation point.
  14. I'm high on life and stonned on the forums, Necro, dezi, deus, wasder put down the rocks, -huge chunks of earth fly through the air and crush philo101-
  15. Bans wasder cause he didn't say "i think" ín that statement.
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