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About mastertypodemon

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  1. And vice versa I guess. Basically, I'm playing as a female orc currently and I don't feel the desire to wear a dress. I'd rather have pants/shirt. Is there a way to separate the versions and have it set up so that instead of the system picking a version based on your sex, you get to pick the version to wear? Could also apply to armor as well as there are some female/male versions of various armors (ancient nord helmets).
  2. Forelhost (SE of Riften) has one room with about 20-30 of them. Plus several other throughout the dungeon and some linen wrapped drauger I believe.
  3. If you're going to be spamming Rally, why not do it in Riften, Solitude or Whiterun where it hits more people? It's not a crime, so you won't have a fine. Plus it hits more people so it levels more quicker.
  4. Using the creation kit and trying to mod/change stuff in houses or multilevel interiors, is there a way to hide levels? For example, Proudspire Manor is three stories tall. Is there a way to hide the top floor to work on the main living floor? Also, when trying to work with the Hearthfire homes, is there a way to only show one option for a wing instead of all options? Like if I wanted to add mannequins to the armory, is there a way to hide the kitchen and library wings?
  5. I was trying out a Mage character one day and got into two handing fire and frost spells. It seemed kinda fun, but I was losing out on trapping souls. I figured that since there was a fire damage/soul trap combo enchantment, that I could use the Creation Kit to make the effect as a spell. But I was wrong. I'm not that great at the Creation Kit yet. So, could someone whip up a quick Destruction: Fiery Soul Trap OR Conjuration: Fiery Soul Trap as a Master level spell? Single and dual casting would be sweet too.
  6. Skyrim Knights looks exactly like what I was talking about, but I just need a way to get the guards to wear that armor. How hard is it to edit NPC wear lists?
  7. Take steel plate armor and add a robe the colors of the holds to give heavy armor. Make it a random chance that a guard spawns wearing it. Something similar to this mod, but with guard colors. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10506/?
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