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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Posts posted by themaximum9901

  1. Okay so I managed to fix the problem. I went to NMC's posts to see if anyone else was having an issue specifically with the roads because that was the most noticeable. Found a link to this Archive Invalidation generator:




    Running it updates Archive Invalidation for every mod you have installed. I ran it and when I loaded up NV... POW! All my fancy textures were finally there.




    This is unrelated to the texture issue, but I've been getting instances of the game freezing during load screens now more than ever. It used to be maybe once every other time I played, but now I find myself having to use CTRL+ALT+DEL to kill the game about every 5th time the game has to load something. Doesn't matter if it's fast travel, or just going in and out of buildings. The loading wheel just stops and I have to kill the game.


    I have the popular Anti Crash mod installed but that doesn't seem to be making a difference. My only guess is that maybe it has to do with Auto Saves, I remember having to install a mod for FO3 that fixed an issue with auto saving causing problems, but I can't find a mod like that for NV so I just assumed it wasn't an issue.



  2. Thanks guys. I do have the 4gb patch and archive invalidation. I don't really take much issue with the out of memory crash 'cause it hardly ever happens. I'm more concerned with the fact that so many of the mods I have installed don't show in game whether I use FOMM or NMM. I'm considering trying Mod Organizer.


    Do you guys use MO? Thoughts on it?

  3. Here's a screen of my mods list. Red X means I confirmed the mod does not work even though it's installed. Green check means confirmed works. Question mark means either I'm not sure if its working because it's too subtle of a mod, or I haven't reached a point in gameplay to confirm it yet.




  4. Hey guys. Before I say anything, this is my first post to the New Vegas forums so I just want to thank the awesome people who take the time to make these awesome mods and provide them to us for free.



    I've been modding skyrim for a couple years now and I tried playing New Vegas with mods about a year ago but it seemed like I couldn't install 2 mods of any kind without getting freezes and crashes. I decided to give this another go after having a great deal of success modding Fallout 3 using FOMM. Here's the issue I really need help with.


    Most of the mods I install for New Vegas just flat out don't work. It's not that they cause crashes or freezing, (I get the "Out of memory" error sometimes but I used to get that without mods). It's that the game acts as though I never installed them.



    -NMC textures are great but only affect about half the world. The buildings look great but the roads and a lot of terrain textures are still vanilla.

    -Not one single sound mod works besides Music Pack (which is a great music mod). I've downloaded gunshot sounds, ambient sounds, footstep sounds... none of it works. They install, but the game still has all the vanilla sound effects.



    I used NMM at first, because that's what I've used for Skyrim all this time without a single problem, but when that didn't work, I spent hours watching tutorials on how to use FOMM properly. I downloaded every single mod manually, made my folders, extracted everything the way I "should", to no avail. Admittedly I enjoy the better file organization and what not, but that doesn't change the fact that 80% of my mods act like they never got installed. (again, this was the case with both NMM and FOMM).



    My only thought is maybe the load order isn't what it should be, but hardly any mods make any mention of where they should be on the load order regarding other mods, so I wouldn't even know where to start when it comes to tweaking that. If you need screenshots of my mods list I can do that if it would help.


    Sorry for the long post. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance guys.

  5. Hey guys, new to the forums here.


    I just started attempting this mod stuff after seeing all the dazzling pictures on the internet of how great skyrim can look with the right mods. Unfortunately no matter what mods I install or in what order, I can't get the sunshine to work right. All the mods work as advertised except for that. The water looks great, the bigger trees look awesome, the nighttime blue nebula sky is absolutely stunning. However outdoors during daytime everything is evenly lit and looks almost overcast even if I look up and see clear skies and the sun. The even lighting on every object makes for a very unrealistic feel, and robs me of that spectacular look everyone else seems to have with rays shining through trees, etc.


    I don't get shadows cast by trees or rocks, mountains, anything. I don't get sunshine reflection on water, no lens flare, nothing. Indoors works great, fire looks good and everything casts shadows perfectly to include fire pits and torches. The even lighting on objects also makes the grass sprites really stand out and look fake. I have attached a list of all the mods I have installed and am using. The only mods I can't use (as you can see they are unchecked) are "convenient horse" "magic duel" and "realistic lighting - dawnguard" they all make Skryim crash on startup for me when they are enabled.


    Any idea on how I can fix this sun problem? I swear I installed all the mods in the right order per instructions on the download pages.

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