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Everything posted by MrCromulent

  1. Not a fan of this new UI either. It's clunky, ugly, and slow. Like others have pointed out it seems to have been designed for phones... by a phone user. Which serves no purpose for PC users. The older look was far, far superior both in its appearance and user friendliness. I really hate that this is what modern UI design has come to. Nexusmods is not the only place that does this. What happened to minimalism? Why does everything have to be so big and in the way?
  2. At least I think that's what it's called. The engine sound almost completely disappears when I listen to the radio. Even when I turn the radio volume way down, the engine volume is lowered. Which is just silly. I wish to decide the engine volume for myself. It was perfect in 2.0, any way of restoring this function to 2.2?
  3. Specifically the AI randomly ramming into you after certain gigs and a handful of story missions. In my opinion they serve no purpose. Would this even be possible? I never modded before in my life, so I know nothing. Thanks for reading.
  4. Bump. (sorry if this is not allowed, feel free to delete this post if so) It's just borderline bad game design when some cars are not even audible just because I have the radio on. It was perfect in 2.0. I could listen to my car and the radio at the same time. Now I have car radio volume set to 50% and I still cannot hear some of the cars, which is especially painful since they went through the trouble of improving the audio of so many cars. I basically have to choose. Radio, or car. Nothing inbetween. Lame.
  5. The option to look into the camera is not always there, for some reason. Not sure why. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.
  6. At least I find it super annoying when I can barely hear the car. The latest patch introduced this fairly dumb change, and no.. lowering radio volume does not help. This only results in the music being too low, while the engine volume is also too low, still. :( I feel like this would be an easy thing to do? I would just like the car engine volume to stay the same when I listen to music. Pretty please.
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