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  1. If anyone is willing to work with me, since I've never done anything like this before, I'd be happy to lend my voice to possibly doing a custom voice set for a robot. I'm told I have a talent for voice acting- and not family and friends ("yes, honey, you are so talented!"), I mean complete strangers have told me I'd be a great radio DJ or sports announcer. Of course, I can do more than just those two types of voices...
  2. s#*!! I thought it was me, so I declared Exterminatus on all my installed mods and deleted everything and reset the game cache! Dammit! Now I gotta fix this 1.5 s#*! so I can at least use SOMEthing.
  3. I've tried the Explorer option, though I can't remember if I specified with the .png or not. As for folder location... I'll have to get back to you when I get home from work. In... 8 more hours. -.-
  4. Checked all up in there, no sign of it at all.
  5. So, mostly as a joke for my little brother, I was wondering if anyone could possibly make a mod that replace many of the Super Mutant combat taunts/dialogues/warcries with various Warhammer 40K Ork audio from the various Warhammer games. It'd be absolutely funny, too, just to pop it in and play once in awhile, especially if you're running a mod that gives you a Space Marine theme paint job for power armor.
  6. Ok, so, I don't know if this belongs under Technical Support, 'cause it's not a really big problem, but Discussion seems to be more about the game in general. Correct me if I'm wrong. Ok, so, I know that you can take bitchin', high-quality screenshots by pressing [Print Screen] while in game with Steam on PC. Kicks in ENBs and such. The problem is, I can't find the damn screenshots. Specifically, I can't find them with Windows 10. I've found support for Windows 7, but nothing for Windows 10 at all. Can anyone point me in the direction.
  7. So, Fallout 4's Survival Beta makes the survival in New Vegas look like "B*tch Mode". While I find the extra challenge fun, I later found it to be TOO difficult. The decreased carrying weight essentially means that you can only carry what you need. Nothing more. 'Cause all of your carry capacity went toward carrying what you need. Unless you make a character with 6+ strength from the very beginning. The problem is the damage. I hear people often say that they made it so that both the player and the enemies deal more damage, but I only see it happening from the enemies. I got killed by a stingwing. Singular. One. F*cking. Stingwing. At level 9. Damn thing just flew up to me and killed me in two hits, and since it's faster than me, running was out of the question. I think the problem is that Bethesda took a 'go big or go home' attitude with the Survival Mode, to the point where it just wasn't fun anymore. After spending twelve in-game days fighting off an infection I got on day 2 from the molerats at Red Rocket, I finally, FINALLY, managed to limp into Bunker Hill. The whole time, I had this infection that made it so I was having to sleep every few hours, because I didn't find a single goddamn bottle of antibiotics. Not to mention constantly racking up other stat penalties because I was using so many chems just to stay not dead from the infection. The whole expedition to Bunker Hill took me a good solid 5 hours because I was always having to go around groups of enemies that would kill me the moment they looked at me, and because I needed to save for real life matters, like going to bed so I could go to church in the morning. And what happens? I get screwed by typical Bethesda geometry glitches and fall through a goddamn floor, and the fall is fatal. Five hours. Gone. If, perhaps, they allowed you to choose your options for survival mode, I'd love it. If you could modify enemy difficulty so you aren't running like a b*tch from bloatflies (yes, I got killed by bloatflies. At level 7. It was humiliating.), or perhaps keep everything else but allow you to save whenever, or even just made it so that you can sleep as long as you need, regardless of the bed type (as someone who has slept in a sleeping bag, I can tell you, if you're tired enough, you WILL sleep more than 3 measly freakin' hours). So, yeah. I installed Survival Mode at 9pm last night. I turned it off at 6pm today. What Bethesda SHOULD have done was make it like New Vegas, where you can toggle Survival Mode on and off separately from the difficulty. 'Cause honestly, sometimes, I just don't have enough time to d*ick around with running back and forth for the loot. If all my goodies are stored in Sanctuarry, I really don't want to spend two hours going back to Sanctuary JUST to change my clothes. And I don't want to have to fight a raider camp JUST so I can save the game and go to work in the morning. 'Cause I'm not in high school anymore. Haven't been for ten years. I have sh*t to do. and I don't want to come home from a paused screen to find I lost 4 hours of gameplay because the power had a temporary hiccup while I was gone ('cause that happens alot where I live, usually when so,me dumbass squirrel chews on a power line). I play games to have fun and relax, and RPGs like Fallout, as Gopher said in the previous video, are played for a story. I want a story. I want an interactive story. I don't want to increase my stress levels. I get enough of that at work.
  8. So, hey, you know what would be cool? To be able to make your robots be able to say a range of different quotes and noises from variosu different famous robots in movies and other games. Everything from having your new Protectron beeping liek RD-D2, to having a seige-bot type death machine quote from Robocop "PUT YOU'RE WEAPONS ON THE GROUND. YOU HAVE FIFTEEN SECONDS TO COMPLY." Would totally be boss.
  9. Thanks to Scrap Anything mod, I actually managed to delete the animation markers for the hammering away. Now those guys do productive stuff, like farm or search for scraps.
  10. So, anyone else here annoyed by your settlers/companions randomly appearing on the roofs of your buildings, especially in areas with pre-made houses/shelters like Sanctuary? I know it annoys me. And it looks stupid. Seriously, just jump down! You can walk off and not get hurt. So, anyone thing they can do something, liek Navmeshing, to make it so people who randomly appear on roofs will et themselves down? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIB8AY0CJjE
  11. I tries that mod for a bit. I ended up having to perform an exorcism on my Fallout 4 files. Honestly, UNTIL we get the GECK, a wearable cigarette sounds like the way to go for now.
  12. I always kinda wished that the place could be settled. With it's swimming pool as a perfect place to set up a purifier, and several alread-standing pod shelters, Fiddler's Green would have been a neat little place to make into a town. That, and I kinda have a thing for ACTUALLY liking my settlements to look like a Mississippian trailer park had a love child with an Ethiopian slum. :p
  13. Hey, so, I've never done a mod before. Kinda. I once made one for Fallout 3 that was just a simple 'trigger quest upon entering location, complete quest when item is obtained' quest that I never published, as it was just me getting the feel of modding. But I havent done anything since. Anyway, my thing is, I kinda want to alter/edit the texture on a power armor paint job, but I don't know where to get the base texture (as I'd be improving an already existing texture), or how to implement it/attach it to a suit and use it. Anyone have any tips?
  14. Hmm, maybe. I did just hear of this neat place called the Big Empty out west, and ever since, my brain feels like it's been trying to coerce me into going... That's Big MT, thankyouverymuch. If you go be prepared to do some SCIENCE! - and show a little backbone. Ha! I can do both of those easily! Looks like I'm off! *Whistles "If I only Had a Heart."*
  15. Hmm, maybe. I did just hear of this neat place called the Big Empty out west, and ever since, my brain feels like it's been trying to coerce me into going...
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