So, Fallout 4's Survival Beta makes the survival in New Vegas look like "B*tch Mode". While I find the extra challenge fun, I later found it to be TOO difficult. The decreased carrying weight essentially means that you can only carry what you need. Nothing more. 'Cause all of your carry capacity went toward carrying what you need. Unless you make a character with 6+ strength from the very beginning. The problem is the damage. I hear people often say that they made it so that both the player and the enemies deal more damage, but I only see it happening from the enemies. I got killed by a stingwing. Singular. One. F*cking. Stingwing. At level 9. Damn thing just flew up to me and killed me in two hits, and since it's faster than me, running was out of the question. I think the problem is that Bethesda took a 'go big or go home' attitude with the Survival Mode, to the point where it just wasn't fun anymore. After spending twelve in-game days fighting off an infection I got on day 2 from the molerats at Red Rocket, I finally, FINALLY, managed to limp into Bunker Hill. The whole time, I had this infection that made it so I was having to sleep every few hours, because I didn't find a single goddamn bottle of antibiotics. Not to mention constantly racking up other stat penalties because I was using so many chems just to stay not dead from the infection. The whole expedition to Bunker Hill took me a good solid 5 hours because I was always having to go around groups of enemies that would kill me the moment they looked at me, and because I needed to save for real life matters, like going to bed so I could go to church in the morning. And what happens? I get screwed by typical Bethesda geometry glitches and fall through a goddamn floor, and the fall is fatal. Five hours. Gone. If, perhaps, they allowed you to choose your options for survival mode, I'd love it. If you could modify enemy difficulty so you aren't running like a b*tch from bloatflies (yes, I got killed by bloatflies. At level 7. It was humiliating.), or perhaps keep everything else but allow you to save whenever, or even just made it so that you can sleep as long as you need, regardless of the bed type (as someone who has slept in a sleeping bag, I can tell you, if you're tired enough, you WILL sleep more than 3 measly freakin' hours). So, yeah. I installed Survival Mode at 9pm last night. I turned it off at 6pm today. What Bethesda SHOULD have done was make it like New Vegas, where you can toggle Survival Mode on and off separately from the difficulty. 'Cause honestly, sometimes, I just don't have enough time to d*ick around with running back and forth for the loot. If all my goodies are stored in Sanctuarry, I really don't want to spend two hours going back to Sanctuary JUST to change my clothes. And I don't want to have to fight a raider camp JUST so I can save the game and go to work in the morning. 'Cause I'm not in high school anymore. Haven't been for ten years. I have sh*t to do. and I don't want to come home from a paused screen to find I lost 4 hours of gameplay because the power had a temporary hiccup while I was gone ('cause that happens alot where I live, usually when so,me dumbass squirrel chews on a power line). I play games to have fun and relax, and RPGs like Fallout, as Gopher said in the previous video, are played for a story. I want a story. I want an interactive story. I don't want to increase my stress levels. I get enough of that at work.