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  1. Never mind my previous question here; I've now read this convo further and had it answered. Sorry for posting!
  2. Brute force. My husband clicked "disable mod" (the red circle/slash icon) in NMM for each mod we have enabled in turn, and started a new game, skipping quickly to attribute pt allocation. Same thing. OK, he clicked "enable mod" (the green check icon) and went to the next mod we had enabled. He couldn't establish that disabling any of them solved it, so he went on to the one he had installed with DA Updater -- RL Swan Song. (Now I admit: it's worth noting that he actually installed that in the middle of his last game, and he didn't notice any such problem!) When he somehow disabled that (I'm not clear on the details), the next game he started didn't have the prob. (Remember, I had started the game where I observed the bug and played through to Ostagar, in order to define its behavior.) When I tried to resume that game, I got "This saved game cannot be loaded. It requires the following content:" -- followed by a list of 8 mods that NMM reports as installed & enabled. Well, in playing around for a complete report here, I discovered that when I completely deleted one of the mods and then re-downloaded & enabled it, DA stopped complaining about it. So I now have something to do for the others! Maybe the list of mods that somehow got disabled is helpful: LRS (Leliana Romance Scenes) Obsidian's Nobler Noble 2 Quartermaster Tolby Romance Bench * Summoning Portal Grey Warden Weddings Epilogue Events Framework ** Two-Spec Sten * Romance Bench = Alistair Romance Eavesdropping Alpha-4613-ALPHA ** Epilogue Events Framework = The Grey Warden Weddings - Alistair- plus Male Cousland and Anora - Epilogue Events Framework OTOH, I'm pretty sure I have played through a game with almost all of them installed & enabled prior to this -- all but the "Romance Bench." One more add: I said the problem was with Swan Song, partly because no one has posted a complaint about double attribute pts with the Eavesdropping mod, while others have indeed done so with Swan Song. Add-on to the add-on: I forgot about the 9th mod, the one that was missing from the NMM list altogether and I re-downloaded. That was also a Tinimaus mod, Alistair Romance - The Steamy Bits, and again, I have not played a game with it before, and again, no one has complained about this bug with it before now.
  3. Thanks, LadyHonor. So you know, I quoted your statement above to RogueLass, and she said she'd contact you to find out what you know. Do you know if the only effect is the double stat gain? Because her alternative is to use RunScript, which I am reluctant to do. I might live with the bug in order to get the merchant function from her mod. Separately, I can't figure out what NMM is doing. My husband clicked "Deactivate" and then "Activate" on all of our mods, one at a time, in order to test whether a new character got the double points or not. Now NMM reports that all of the desired mods are active, but the game I had started is complaining that 6 of them (suspiciously, all in the second half of the alphabet -- albeit only half of those) are not active. In addition, DA is complaining that three mods we had downloaded in the past are missing -- in fact, they're just plain missing from NMM's list. I redownloaded 8 of the 9. (Horribly, I cannot find Epilogue Events Framework by Sunjammer in Nexus's browser, try as I might.) DA reports that it can now find 1 of the 8, but the rest... still MIA. What are we doing wrong?!?
  4. As an update, my husband brute-forced a check, and found that the prob behavior was with RLs Swan Song. Hopefully, I can get some help posting there; I want those fabulous clothes!
  5. Great, thanks for the info. Now for more questions: 1) How do I search for this module_core script in several dozen mods? (Before you cringe too badly, a lot of those were installed prior to my binge download. Will I remember which ones, is a different problem.) 2) If NMM records a mod as being inactive, is it really? Will a buggy one still affect this script? (In short,when I find the buggy mod, can I just inactivate it in NMM and solve the problem, or do I need to get it off my drive?) 3) There was one mod that I recently installed with DAUpdater; how do i search and/or de-install that one?
  6. Yes, i got happy and downloaded a lot of mods all at once for my new playthrough -- and found an odd impact. While the character creation screen showed "5" points to spend on stats, as expected, each click to a stat subtracted 1 from the 5 total but added 2 to the stat! The game sort of fixed the gift 5 points; I didn't get any stat points on my next level-up, and "1" to spend for 3rd level. But that also gave me 2 points for the one click. In short, it looks like I'll get either 2 or 4 points to spend per level, depending on how many I've borrowed, and will have to spend an even amount on any given stat. That's not horrible, I suppose. But I didn't expect to modify character creation at all! So I'm worried other oddments might crop up if I continue the game. I don't even know where to look for what might have caused this anomaly. One other thing I've noticed: no matter how insistent I am that NMM install & enable Detailed Tooltips, it's not enabled. (NMM does report that the mod is.) Since I stopped play after reaching Ostagar, I'm not sure what else may not be enabled.
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