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Yes Yes but the next games were also organized in cells. So its no technical consequence that the developers in THIS game just randomly kept some cell names blank. Oblivion is also organized in Cells, but they decided to inform us players on the map about EVERY location and not just like 40 % or 60 %.
For me this question seems totally reasonable and I wonder why the game is designed that way. Obviously in Oblivion or Skyrim you would think it's weird if they place 100 dungeons on the map and then simply set the landmark on your map for just 50. Like what is the reason? The only consequence is that you either dont find your location or forget it if you have found it anytime in the past. I can understand it is now difficoult to "solve" this problem due to the game architecture. But the much bigger question to me is, why did Bethesda design it that stupid. It just makes 0 sense.
Hello there! Something that really astonished me and also a little bit frustrates me is that unlike all the later games, in Morrowind I realize that not all POI's aka Dungeons/Caves/Ruins/whatever are having their own location on the map. Some are simply invisible on the map, even though being large indoor areas to explore. Of course in Oblivion and later you get a landmark for every single place you discover. So you will always know that there is something. In Morrowind if I dont enter that dungeon and complete it, I will have no idea later, that there was something at this spot, as the map just says *Bitter Coast* or whatever. So is there a mod out there that will add Landmarks on the Worldmap to all of these forgotten places? I can't find any reasonable idea why the developers just added Landmarks to a few of the POI's. The Worldmap would look much more filled with life if they actually added everything ... THX for any insights!
SPELL-FORMID of Staff of Everscamp
iHateSkirim replied to iHateSkirim's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Then I still have a red Speed 80 :// Originally I thought this would just increase Speed by 20. But even if it would have succeeded I would have had a red Speed 100. And of course I could have done that right from the beginning, but I want my original grey Speed 100 back. I solved the problem by modifying the Staffs Effect to increase Speed by 20, picked another one up and dropped it. Now I have 2 permanent glitched Speed +20-20 effects and therefore my normal grey Speed 100. Would still be cooler to also remove that hidden Scripts to finally get my Acc back >: ( -
[TES IV] Remove a script effect from player
iHateSkirim replied to iHateSkirim's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
So you mean doing 120 Speed so I will be 100 then? Well thats obvious but I did not do that because then I will have a red 100 Speed. And this is originally my save which goes back to the XBox 360 so its not a kinda *messed up weird modded pc savegame* :/ Thats the reason why this would still screw up that savegame. Now I changed the staffs skript to add 20 Speed instead and got me another staff, dropped that, undid that change (like it will be on the xbox) and now I have a regular 100. But still in terms of purity I would rather get rid of that 2 skripts now. -
Yeah in the Title I wrote TES4. I'm pretty sorry to ask this here, but I am desperate and I really think I will get an answer here. The engine of spells and scripts seems to be obviously really the same so the solution to my problem should also be the same in Skyrim. What is the issue? I added a "Staff of the everscamp" to my inventory via console, which is bugged. It adds an invisible skript to the player that decreases the attribute speed - 20 (something like player.setav heavy armor -20). Normally it vanishes when you drop the staff, but it remains ... so my char has permanent -20 now. How can I get rid of it? The staff adds the Script: "MS43StaffScript" (= ID 0004F9DE) to the player. Is there a "Player.removescript 0004F9DE " command? What I tried: Opening the Elder Scrolls Construction set and simply delete the Script of the Staff. Now new Staffs dont decrease my values anymore, but the old first decrease is still there :// Any help ???? Simply reloading is not an option ... I added that staff to inventory too long ago :C THXXXX
For some reason I still have the -20 Speed drain from that Staff even though I removed it. Now I need to know the SPELL-FORMID of that effect of the staff to get rid of that -20 Speed. Where can I get that ID ? Or can anybody tell it to me from the Construction Set / TES4EDIT or what else? "player.removespell SPELL-FORMID" should be the key, otherwise this save is now bugged :/// EDIT: Ok it has no spell effect, it is just a skript: MS43StaffScript Its active when: if ( GetStage MS43 >= 40 ) && ( HaveStaff == 0 ) Player.Modav Speed -20 set HaveStaff to 1 so how can I get rid of this "MS43StaffScript" ? I simply deleted the MS43StaffScript in the Elder Scrolls Construction menu, now new Staffes dont have any effect, but the 1 old skript is still on my char like before. :/
Hello! I have Speed at 100 and was playing around a little. Suddenly I noticed that my Speed decreased to 80 and is marked RED. So I have a *-20 Speed* effect. But in my Magic there is NO Speed decrease. dropping any Item that I own and using dispell does not help. And of course I also tried the Chapel healing effect in any church, no need to suggest that sadly :/ And of course I also drank a *restore speed* potion, no need to suggest that sadly :/ I dont know how I got that and I dont know what it actually is. Will-o-wisp does not damage speed nor does any other enemy that I know. Now I could just give me Speed 120 so I would be at 100 again. But then its still red and I TRULY want my 100 Speed back. So what console code can *cure* an attribute back to normal? Or any other method that I can use? This red 80 Speed simply looks terrible in my juicy character stats ... THXXXXXX PS: I stumbled over this: seems like the Staff of Everscamp gives you a -20 Speed which does not show up nor can it be cured. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/941877-the-elder-scrolls-iv-oblivion-game-of-the-year-edition/55554682 But I have the staff in my House Container .... not equipped. Getting it back and dropping it does not remove the effect. This guy has the same problem, no staff in inventory, but -20 Speed: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion_talk:Staff_of_the_Everscamp (here the LAST commentary at the bottom page) If I add another staff with player.additem 0004F790 then I get another -20 to Speed. Then if I drop it it stays also lower WTF! I added 6 Staffs now and now I am at permanently -20 Speed looool .... well I can revert this by reloading, but the initial -20 is still there :(( What console command can I use to force-remove the effect of the Staff of Everscamp? Can I say "player.removespell XXXXXXX" and treat the effect as a spell? Where can I get the Spell ID of that effect?
Hello! Currently I have my Xbox360 Save on my PC ... I'm fixing some bugged quest stages and now I want to transfer it back. But I always wanted to summon a mended flesh atronach - that is NOT the greater power, which you can only use 1x per Day. So I really wanna get a summon spell to use it just like any other regular spells. Now I know that any mod that introduces this spell will not work on the Xbox. But now my Idea is: Get the spell with a mod - then as I have the spell in my list, I could create an OWN spell that summons that atronach - that own spell would then be not removed when I uninstall the mod / put that savegame back to the Xbox. Is that possible like I want to? And where do I get a *regular* "Summon Mended Flesh Atronach" Spell? THXXXXX
Hello! I have Far Cry Gold Edition and the Open-World-Mod which also includes any weapon being available from the beginning does crash for me. So I edited it and removed files until it did not crash (had to only remove 2 files). But now I have everything unlocked from the Start (North Kyrat / Signature Weapons / Skills) except the base weapons unlocked. So my Question: HOW do I modify my patch_hd.fat / patch_hd.dat MYSELF to make my Gold Edition have all REGULAR Weapons available from the start ? Thanks!
Hello! I have just installed the latest SFO: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/141/? And I have very strange looking trees .... http://www2.pic-upload.de/img/31879415/aha.jpg 1. are they intended to be like this ? Because I get them all the time just installing SFO and no other Tree-Mods installed ... They look totally garbish, not even they are way too bug, they also look not like any natural tree. 2. how can I remove them manually, if this is not a glitch but intended ? Will I have to delete a special texture or just a mesh ? I installed the mod and deleted the Tree-Meshes, but then I still see the trees in far distance, they only remove when I come closer to them and become a *regular* tree then.
Hello! I was a hardcore Player in Oblivion, doing Characters with always +5/+5/+5 Level ups, but now to start my lvl-1 Account I cannot get Sneak Exp. I sneaked around many times, friendly NPC, enemies, but I only got 4/100 sneak to the next level so far. Someone told me to make a guy in Balmora attacking you and then standing on a plant so he can't reach you, sneaking for experience. But well, is this a real trick to grind towards 100 ? I did not gain any exp ... isnt that clear because I am in combat and then I am not covered anyways ? I just know this from Oblivion. If you could be so nice, then you could answer another questions for me: 1. I really dont often get hits with my bow, is this fixed by getting more Dexterity ? And if I need more Dexterity, how do I then need Strength to make more damage with a Bow ? Let's say I am Dexterity 100, Marksman 100, how much damage would a bow now do if I have - Strength 10 - Strength 100 no real numbers, just a guess. 2. If I want to do the unlimited arrows trick, I cannot get it. It says, go back to inventory to check, if you still have the sword equipped (not the bow, which I'm actually wielding), but I always have in the inventory the bow again in my hand, therefore the glitch doesn't work :( (If you even know what I mean). Any ideas ? I have Morrowind GOTY and play on MGSO 3.0. Is it patched ? 3. There are 5 main skills, 5 lesser skills and the other skills (dont know if correct names, have the German Game) Is there any difference between Main and lesser Skills ? As far as I can see, those 10 are totally equal ... just like the 10 main skills in Oblivion ?
Hi there! I downloaded the 0.6 Mod Manager now and I am a little confused about those new Symbols, which shall show whether mod is activated or not ... You immediately get it when looking at the picture. Before that update, you had the Red X always, if the mod is not installed and if it is, then it has a green symbol. Now I assume it's like the following: If you never installed a mod, then it is grey outlined. If you installed it and deinstalled it, then it gets the red Symbol. If the mod is still installed, it has the green Symbol. But my Question is, if this is correct, then why do mods, which I installed, show up red upon the next start of NMM ? It only appears for some mods, but those are definetly installed. Here is an example: I have a few Animation Mods installed and everything works, but to get this, you have to install FNIS, which i HAVE installed of course! Then why does NMM tell me the red Symbol ? There is no way that mod is not installed (proof from load order). http://www2.pic-upload.de/img/28721273/Watdalos.png
'Enchantment: Weakness to X' does not work ?
iHateSkirim replied to iHateSkirim's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Okay now I understand ... So now all my Spells and Enchantments look like this and are brutal effective, cummulating its effects and killing even strong enemies after a few hits: - Soul Trap 1 sec (as always) - Fire/Frost/Shock Damage X Points - Weakness to Fire/Frost/Shock Damage 100% for up to 5s - Weakness to Magic 100% for up to 5s If I use it on a faster weapon like a Dagger, then I only do the duration of the Weakness for 2s. A bow is like 5s and a Spells is like 3s enough. Extremely funny is that simple thing: - Soul Trap 1s - Decrease Health 100 Points for 1s - Weakness for Magic 2-5s (depends what weapon/spell) So the first few hits nothing happens, but after like 3 or 4 Hits every Bandit is dead - suddenly. And even level-50-Goblin-Warchiefs can be killed easily (1500 HP!!!!): Bow with - Soultrap 1s - Weakness to fire 100% for 5s - Weakness to magic 100% for 5s no Damage, but now use the *Arrow of Immolation* for 65 Fire Damage (= Far above any Weapon Enchantment). This bow will not lose that many charges, because it does not need a Elemental Damage effect, but you have it with the arrows. Now this can kill a Goblin-Warchief with 5 Strikes ! And of course all Human will die with 2 Strikes ... so cool Now I think theres no better enchanting, but maybe some of you know still any more tricks to max out that damage. -
Hi there. When I enchant a Weapon with Firedamage X Weakness to Fire 100% and a Weapon with Firedamage X Then the weapons do exactly the same damage. I really kill enemies with exactly the same amount of strikes, but Weakness to Fire 100% should have doubled the Fire-Damage ?! Weakness to X makes the Damage get more by the percentage, so why does Weakness to Fire not rise the Fire Damage ? I always did the Enchantmeht - Weakness to Magic 100% for 1s - Weakness for Shock 100% for 1s - Shock Damage 20 pts and now I seem like ending up that this is exactly the same Damage like - Shock Damage 20 pts :( The same thing for Spells: When I create a Spell - Weakness to Magic 100% for 1s - Weakness to Fire 100% for 1s - Fire Damage 100 pts on touch and - Fire Damage 100 pts on touch Then I ALWAYS need 5 Hits to kill a summoned Dremora Markynaz for any of those 2 Spells. That means, Weakness to X does not have ANY effect ??