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Since Bethesda seems to not care anymore for the PC versions of Fallout Shelter, publishing updates only for mobile version, i wonder if someone could bring those updates to PC via modding.
Oh hi! It's me again... Recently i downloaded this "backrooms" map for Gmod to try out some fun, at first i thought this creepypasta/urban legend was too silly because it was only an amalgamation of several "myths" (and the feeling of uneasiness that those games brought for newer audiences) from late 90s/2000s games. But, at least this version for Gmod that i linked, that would somewhat "fit" with the lore of "Vault-Tec" experiments... So I would like to propose the following mod: Add another Vault at DC that have a similar entrance with Vault 112 (only one door inside the Vault entrance leading to the "testing labs");When entering that, the player would end up in the hallway that, in the original creepypasta, is the "ressearching lab" where the backrooms are being studied: (IMAGE)From these room to the "portal" to the yellow maze, i think little needs to be changed, only the design to match other vanilla FO3 vaults (and maybe switch some props from vanilla/DLC games);In the maze itself, i think the "logic" from Dunwich building could be applied: it meant to be a haunted building, but yet manage to not depart from the lore of the series (instead of ghosts we have ghouls and glowing ones). So in this case we could add a bunch of raiders representing "test experiments" (that in the original backrooms lore are the scientists involved at the case), and ghouls/feral ghouls/glowing ones representing the eldritch abnormalities that inhabit the backrooms.Of course, tweak a little bit the lore of the backrooms to fit the game's lore (like i said that happened in Dunwich Building): instead of the 'no-clip from reality' bulls***, notes could be found in the "control room" and in the maze itself explaining that vault was meant to test dwellers in the "limiar spaces", that is basically the source of most of the weirdness of the creepypasta per see. Something goes wrong - that's up to whoever have interest to make it - but i would suggest something more "mundane" to Fallout happening like an accidental FEV intrusion that cause some of the dwellers to become "eldritch abominations" (ghouls) - and for that vault is also abandoned into a chaos.The thing here is that the maze could be huge and have some of the "teleport abilites" that, at least in that Gmod map, some walls have. That would further confuse the player to exit back to the Wasteland. Plus, i dont know if is possible, but keeping a constant spawner of ghouls could add even more difficulty for the LW to escape.About the location: could be anywhere in the Wasteland, but not so close to another vault. Personally i would place it in a very "unexpected" location. Like in a DLC (non-Zeta) place? The Pitt? Point Lookout (maybe "merging itself" with the concept of "sea vault" that was scrapped for Fallout 4)?Anyway, i would love to make a thing like this myself, but i really don't know even how to start (converting the gmod map itself to fallout 3/nv format is a big unknown for me). Making one from scratch, even more difficult. So, if someone have interest - or even was thinking before in making a backrooms-themed Vault, i hope this post could help with new ideas for you to add. Thanks!
It's a creepy, dark place with nothing inside, and i cant find any reference about any use of it either in-game or in the numerous Fallout wikis anywhere. Since anything that exists in such kind of games have a purpose (even just to store some item to be retrieved by the player), i want to ask: Does it serve any purpose, maybe in DLCs? Does it have any cut content related? Or its just a weird curiosity of the gameworld?
Well, there is some mods, like DLC Adblocker and Delay DLC Plus that remove the annoying spam of DLC mission activatiors right after exiting Vault 101, making Springvale the capital of post-apocalyptic spam... /justkidding Anyway, althrough i like those mods and currently use DLC Adblocker in my installation, i felt reducing the radius of radios and activators of the starting missions... not enough to reduce the "noise" of the flow of the story of the game, tempting players to leave the MQ path to go to entirely separate landmasses instead of looking for James. Different from ordinary quests like Power of Atom, Big Trouble in Big Town or Those (the ones nearest to Megaton in that height of the story), deviate from MQ to make then make LW to be so "distant" from the original purpose of his mission (that is find his father on the vicinity). If DLCs offered a false/ambiguous hint to the LW (lore-wise of course) to search for James in those locations, then would be reasonable to have them to start right after leaving Vault 101. But we know the real reason all DLCs starts at same time is to allow veteran players that freshly bought them to go straight to the missions instead of pass again by the hurdles of vanilla quests to reach each DLC. At that moment that would make sense, but after so many years passed, with DLCs basically being a part of the game (i mean part of the "vanilla environment"), i think its time to think in making changes similar to how DLC Adblocker and Delay DLC does... but also "integrating" seamlessly those trigger quests to the "scheme of things" of the base game. I suggest the following modifications: Broken Steel: I know mods implementing this concepts already exists, but i never managed to make them work, that's why i'm leaving here again - remove the ridiculous ending move when the player faints restarting the purifier (or Fawkes/Charon/RL-3 did the deed instead). The original purpose of self-sacrifice doesn't make sense anymore after this DLC, so no need to call the player an egocentric stupid to do a rational action to send a radiation-resistant pal to do a mortal for you task to do. After the player wakes up from the coma not force him to be enlisted to BoS and allow the rest of the MQ to be indefinitely delayed. LW's main purpose - follow the legacy of their father - was already achieved with the purifier working, and although LW are in debt with the BoS for all the help, it doesn't mean they bought his freedom with this;Point Lookout: Make the boat appear only after the two-weeks span that LW was in coma after reactivating the purifier (Take it Back and start of BS). That would introduce some dynamicism to the unchanging Wasteland. A fricking boat appearing from nowhere during the time LW is knocked out would pass the impression to the player that lots of things changed during that time, stimulating the player to explore more. Maybe adding a line (or note, if VA are a constraint) saying the ferryman came to DC for the "purified water thing" would add a layer of immersion in the surprise visit;The Pitt: didn't play this DLC yet, but i think it would benefit from a similar change to PL (making the location where the DLC starts to appear pre-DLC until player completes Take it Back, then revert to the post-DLC to activate the quest - apart to lift the activation like DLC Adblocker and Delay DLC Plus does);Operation: Anchorage: I played this DLC once; didn't think this is so much "flow-breaking" that the others, so i don't think this one needs to be changed (apart to lift the activation like DLC Adblocker and Delay DLC Plus does). Some players report completing this DLC during the events of MQ makes the player "too op", i didn't feel this, but if is the case then delaying it in a similar way to both above (or tie the activation of this DLC to the agreement LW can do with the Outcasts in their HQ);Mothership Zeta: This is the worst offender IMO. I felt the abduction sequence should only trigger after the very last BS misison (Who dares wins) to be completed. Somewhat i find strange that the player should to follow the BoS in attacking the Enclave new HQ even knowing that Zeta have superior firepower that could destroy the enclave better that their own satellite array. Its totally my opinion, but i think Zeta should happen only after MQ and BS have been completed. Before that the pre-DLC behavior of the alien crash site should be retained (no abduction and the player being able to pick the blaster and the ammo).What do you guys think?
- dlc
- broken steel
- (and 5 more)
Well... i don't have much to say about this request. Both Vaults are very disconnected story-wise from the outside vicinity, so no need to change much things aside of both Vault doors. Somewhat i think 106 would go well nearest to 92 because both involve mental experiments (106 with drugs and 92 audio-sensory). Also fighting early against Gary... that would story-wise give a huge impression to Lone Wanderer :laugh:
At first it sounds like a silly idea, but well, let's go: Being THE HQ for Vault-Tec, Vault-Tec headquarters is a very interesting place to be explored to be so much tucked inside DC ruins - one needs to hop multiple stations to reach the area where the building is located, plus if the player want to just explore the HQ they risk to trigger Relly's rangers if they didn't want to start it right now. So the location where Vault-Tec HQ is located (Vernon Square) is full of things and quests to explore... ...in the other side we have Falls Church... is there anything interesting on that area after you finish the Lost Initiate subquest? I think not. And even being an interesting location, L.O.B. Enterprises doesn't have much place in the storyline to be "the" building on that area. It seems to fit more being a secondary building in a "crowded" area, like Vernon Square is. So, my idea is to make a mod to "switch" both buildings of place. L.O.B. Enterprises went to sit on Vernon Square at the place Vault-Tec HQ sits in vanilla, and Vault-Tec HQ goes to Falls Church where L.O.B. is located. I think both external building models would need to be "facelifted" to get the proper symbols of the swapped organizations. That would allow player to early find Vault HQ (right after Those! that normally is started when the player goes to Super Duper Mart or even try to cross the Ptolomac to go to the station to reach GNR.
From what i've understand, Tinker Joe stands exclusively at the immediate vicinity of Robco facility, what put Sergeant RL-3 too far for an early pick as companion to players that want to stay away as most as possible to human companions. I have a suggestion to make him to travel back and forth for some settlements and locations related with technology in any kind, like Tenpenny Tower (if not taken by Roy Philips), Megaton (if not blown up), VAPL-66 Power Station, Fort Independence (to imply a trade relation with Outcasts), maybe Nuka Cola Plant, Rockland Car Tunnel (only in the time frame between the end of Take it Back - when you wake up in the Citadel - and the start of Death From Above - when you need to walk there to meed Paladin Tristan) and the station added in Operation Anchorage, ie most of the locations in the south of the map (Megaton being the northernmost one).
Basically tweaks Jericho from being a very evil karma companion to a hired karma-neutral one (just like Charon). I think is a question of tweaking the hiring script and some few dialogs to remove the Karma mention when trying to hiring him (and maybe removing/tweaking the lines he says when the player karma start to be too high). Why? Because he would be a interesting guy to hire to help you early in game. Charon is too "inaccessible" in Underworld to find (only after helping Three Dog Underworld is really on the "path" of players following the master quest).
- companions
- jericho
(and 1 more)
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Hello! In my previous FO3 installations i used to use both Fallout New Vegas Armors in Fallout 3 and New Vegas Armors Distributed installed in my game, that allowed me to use some cool suits from NV like the NCR ones. Like you realized if you clicked in the first link, NV armors got hidden by the author for some unknown reason. So, that's why i'm asking if someone could do another of this mods, this time maybe bringing also weapons (and adapting them to FO3 technical differences). Ok, ok, i know you are thinking "nooo this will destroy Bethesda's IP so hard i will cry", but pay attention the hidden mod (and what i have in mind) didn't violate any copyright from Bethesda in any way. All that mod provided was the .esp with the definitions of the items, the assets need to be collected by the users themselves, provided they have a legitimate copy of New Vegas installed (like me that own both FO3 and FNV from Steam). The only difference this time is, if command-line tools to extract data from bsas exists of course, is to the author provide some batch files (.bat) to automatically get the necessary files from NV installations, or at least just the list of assets to be copied from NV. The hidden mod didnt have even a list like i said, so it was a PITA to need to open the esp on FO3Edit to figure out what files needs to be copied. Also you probabily will wonder: "Why not using TTW?" Well, from my unhappiness TTW only works with a strict set of FO3 mods that were "converted" to it. I use almost 100, mostly old/inactive but also some freshly new, were the authors didnt give a f**k to TTW and did it to the native FO3. I want to play with these mods, and i also dont want to get all the break of in-game balance a lot of folks says TTW does. So that's why i'm asking for a mod to FO3 to do that. That's said, thank you so much for your patience!
Restore mods that were hidden when "added" to UUFO3P (and more)
lordvico replied to lordvico's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
Q Well, i think i mistook the example (i was searching my tracked mods and maybe linked the wrong inactive mod), but there is others that were hidden with the message that it was made obsolete by being integrated into UF3P. -
Hello! I used a couple of mods in the past that were hidden by the authors after their concepts were added to Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch. I'm interested in still downloading them since i don't want to use UUFO3P since it mess up too much with other mods i have. One example is Fallout 3 - Mini Lore Inclusion that when i tried to donwload had a hidden notice saying it was hidden due to it being integrated into UUFO3P. Thanks in advance!
After using Stop Insulting Me Outcasts i was think if a similar concept could be implemented for Megaton citizens. I mean, after completing The Power of Atom and disarming the major threat they have (and earning a house for that), they should treat the player with a little more respect, instead of just call him a "stranger". Maybe a mod to "filter out" the negative comments and leaving the neutral ones, our copying Rivet City folks greetings would be sufficient.
Well, the title is kinda gorish, but i will explain. Basically make Hoss, Pek and the other paladins which were making the exercise in Falls Church appears in Take it Back, and maybe be reapproveited in subsequent Broken Steel missions, IF the player meets they before went into Vault 87. Other additional idea i have was to, in case Hoss survives The Lost Initiate, make him be the mission give for Broken Steel instead of Paladin Tristan. No voice acting change needed, because you know, in vanilla in Trouble of Homefront officer Gomez change his voice, basically because he share the same voice for that mission with officer Kendall (i think), but since its most likely LW kills Kendall in Escape!, its always Gomez with his voice who will appear instead. Bascally i was thinking in a similar "concept" to use Hoss instead of the crappy Tristan. At least it adds a bit more "continuity" from vanilla to Broken Steel.
So, in vanilla, Jericho recruitment requires both a bad karma and 1000 caps to strike a deal. I think its a bit too much for a guy who seems to be a retired raider with some health problems, so i thought in do some tweaks to him: First of all, sightly reduce his health and his skills, to match his lines while following the player complaining about speed or coughing blood. Nothing too drastic to not turn him a waste of caps. Also make his recruitment karma-neutral, keeping the 1000 caps requirement: since assuming from his lines he was more interested in caps than to judge if a "pampered Vault asshole" would be able to fend off in the wastes. If LW can pay him enough, he will consider to return to the wastes. Maybe, to bypass the 1000 caps fee, female LWs could have an Black Widow check to seduce him in follow the player without the caps. I think that perk (and Lady Killer) are very little used in game to incentive players to take it (the only major use in vanilla is with Mr. Burke), and if the perk can be used to recruit a follower in early game (very useful for low-level players) that would make more sense. Also, when recruiting Jericho regardless of the way (1000 caps or Black Widow), if the player havent visited Springvale school yet, Jericho could mention that place to the player (if there is enough lines in vanilla to make him speak such thing). That would place a map marker on the school and player could visit the place with him to level up.
Seriously: before (re)encountering the LW, Butch can't stand even a radroach. How the hell that guy is supposed to travel all the way until Rivet City? I propose a meeting place more appropriate for his character: The Brass Lantern, in Megaton. Far enough for him to shi**y his pants and stop on there, near enough to the player find him after completing Trouble of the Homefront. Plus Brass Lantern itself is very devoid of important characters (not including the Stall family who runs the bar) compared to Moriarty/Gob Saloon, that would be an interesting addition for that place. Also change his dialogs to mention "Brass Lantern" instead of "Muddy Rudder", i think Billy Creel (voiced by the same VA) mentions Brass Lantern in some line who can be reused into Butch dialogue, plus one of the Creel guys also is voiced by the same VA. And a bonus: if someone have interest in make this concept, please, please make an optional "addon" to Follower Amata who allows Butch to be recruited immediately (make him "escape" too) if Amata is recruited in "Escape!" (what would kill ToHF and any trigger to recruit Butch), and maybe, mayyybe add one "interaction" like between both in their first meeting after Escape. I know that would be too OP to have two followers in a single shot, but that is an optional request.