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About shaun451999

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  1. Nvm already fixxed it fixed itself
  2. I am having trouble with my sounds in skyrim,it happend after my I used wrye bash. I started getting double cursors which i fixed then I stoped having sounds. here is my load order -skyrim.esm -update.esm -dawnguard.esm -hearthfires.esm -Dragonborn.esm -Killable children no race menu.esp -sleepingDangers-sandsoftime.esp -RaceCompatability.esm -AZ argonian pride.esp -ImmersiveFP.esp -SeeYouSleepByMadmole.esp -SOTAntiCTD.esp -DigigradeKhajiit.esp -chfshplayervoicesets.esp -CollefeDormDoors.esp -DragmanReplacer.esp -gitgud greaves.esp -gitgud greaves (dragonborn).esp -fireandiceoverhaul.esp -Immersive Weapons.esp -Hothtrooper44_armorCompilation.esp -Prometheus_BeastSkeletons.esp -Jutsu.esp -Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp -injure set.esp -gitgud greaves (dawnguard).esp -Naruto - overhaul.esp -Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp -RacemenuPlugin.esp -odahviingQuickRecovery.esp -Racemenu.esp -ringofhiticine.esp -SkyUI.esp -ToL_MCM.esp -TwoRings.esp -UnhinderedCompatability.esp -Unique Beast Races.esp -WerewolvesOccuringNaturally.esp -Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp -ASLAL - Hearthfire.esp -Bashed patch 0.esp -pat patch.esp(from bashed patch) that is all I have.
  3. so here is my idea, once you learn every shout. you get to become an aedra. like tiber septim once you become an aedra you are teleported to a new realm outside the mundus. the first person you see is talos. you help him fight off monsters, then he tells you about the monsters and you learn about the other aedra, and find out they were the truly twisted and evil ones (other than talos). you defeat the other aedra and go back to tamriel with new powers from being an aedra, you could extend this mods story line however you choose.
  4. why is the adult a filter anyway this game has an M rating. EDIT:nvm I realize why now few people actualy listen to ratings
  5. or have the underwear as a separate file with the underwear on argonians and khajiits and a file without the underwear
  6. I think someone should make a mod that does that, also all store would be closed on holidays.
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