I haven't used vortex before. Last time I used mods I was using the Nexus Mod Manager. I'm a bit confused on some elements of what vortex is doing and also with general mod install instructions. I should also say that my OS is on one drive and my games are installed on a separate drive. When installing Vortex I pointed to the Starfield folder in my Steam folder on my game drive. Normally games have their files in the game directory and then you have like the config.ini files, save files etc..in the OS "my games" directory. What I noticed is that it appears Vortex has it's own "my games" directory now in my games folder and then another one in the Vortex directory? Is that correct? I'm so confused by this and it appears to not be working properly. When I first installed via Vortex I tested with the mod Cleanfield which removes some of the initial splash screens. This was an easy mod to test with since it happens immediately. If I just installed with Vortex it didn't work. If I added the StarfieldCustom.ini file mentioned in the mod install instructions into my Windows > Documents > My Games > Starfield directory it started working. However, I seem to have that same StarfieldCustom.ini file in my steam game folder and also in the vortex directory. Which of these 3 copies of the file is the one that is being used? Even though that mod was working I had another that didn't seem to be working so I tried removing the one from the OS directory to see if that would work and now it doesn't work at all even if I put the file back. So can anyone tell me why there are 3 different locations for the StarfieldCustom.ini file when using Vortex and which one is being used? For clarity...and to reiterate I did add the one at the top (in the attached img) manually because that was the only way I got that first mod working. Also, if you install a mod using vortex but the mod info page says you need to edit the .ini file is Vortex supposed to be doing that or do you still have to do this manually? The instructions/readme never seem to make that distinction. These questions are sort of related I guess depending on the answers.