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Posts posted by Ghekor

  1. Hello,

    ive run into some serious CTD issues and i cannot pinpoint from where they might be coming from,and im really not sure how to proceed.


    Last night i installed a fresh Fallout 4 on my PC,and i updated every mod of my list that had an update(older mods have run with this game no issues at all).I also installed 2 new ones a weapon mod(Reaper) and the Crime & Punishment mod,everything else on my list is stuff ive been using for 2y+ by now pretty much.

    Yet i did 4 different game starts and each leads to a CTD:


    1 - All mods,vanilla start > CTD soon after leaving the house

    2 - All mods minus the 2 new ones > CTD soon after leaving house

    3 - All mods,vanilla start and also changed player char gender and put game on Normal(from Survival)? > CTD soon after leaving house

    4 - All mods, Start me Up start where i have no Unique skills begin on lvl 5 and on Normal diff. > CTD soon(~10s) after starting to move my character to go anywhere.


    I checked my save if its something script related like bloat,but my save seems fine especially compared to my older saves that have x2 or x3 as much scripting instances/scrips active etc. on them,ive also cleaned everything i could)

    LOOT also gives me no errors or anything and as i said besides the 2 new mods every other mod on the list is something that ive used for long ass time with 0 issues(maybe occasional CTD like once every 12-24h of game),though im aware Fallout/Skyrim are quite finicky and can sometimes break for no reason even if they have run with the same mods for years.


    Here is my load order and papyrus0.log for anyone interested:




    Edit#1: Just did a 0 mod start , game still crashed soon after leaving house.

  2. Look in the Constructible Object section and find an existing arrow recipe. Use that as a template to create your own.


    I could not find the Arrow recipes in the C.Objects section that was my issue and why i wrote here, but now i found why i was missing said recipes....i had loaded the Dragonborn master but not the Dawnguard one and the recipes are under the DG :/ a real stupid thing to do.


    Everything is fine now.

  3. Hello,

    I have a small issue that i need help with, due to various things in-game i decided to duplicate a Daedric Bow/Arrows and make a somewhat OP version of it(the bow) for personal use i did everything fine also gave the bow its own crafting and tampering recipe, then i tried doing the same for the arrows and while i was able to modify said arrows(and the projectile) i can't find anything about making the arrows craftable via forge(had to use CC to spawn) and i could not find anything in the CK wiki(or maybe i didn't know how to properly word it) regarding ammo crafting.

    So is there an easy way for a total novice like me to make said arrows craftable cus i don't want to spawn arrows each time i run out :/

  4. In response to post #31758340.

    Krevitz wrote: Thank you for the information.
    Is there any link between the malicious dsound.dll, and the dsound.dll which allow to access the console command in TW3?

    Yup was thinking the same thing this is the only dsound.dll file on my PC(located at system32 folder) but nothing else..and its the one that was required for TW3.
  5. Well didnt think they would listen,but i guess a shitstorm of such global proportions made them change their mind.They honestly didnt think for a minute there that paid mods might actually be the Pandoras Box,which is kinda sad really when you think about it.


    Well thats good news now that paid mods are gone but i get the feeling the damage has been dealt and the wounds wont heal so fast,theres still quite a few mods that where pulled from here either so as to go behind the paywall or simply to protect the mod from getting stolen(which has happened im sure) and that is quite sad aswell.


    Well lets hope for the future of Skyrim modding(and other games too).

  6. Since you didnt mention it,did you try console commands to reset your race?




    that might help if it doesnt then its as the other guy said and your save is crap,next time you shuold revome your vampirism before you disable the DLC.

  7. Sadly it didnt help me much i still CTD i was able to walk around Windhelm Keep but as soon as i "coc whiterun" and bam CTD..and im really starting to get pissed because as i said i used to play the game with exact same mods(actually i had 15 more on top of these)..with no problems in the past and now suddenly the game is full of them which makes 0 sense what so ever.

    I even decreased my overall video settins but that didnt do anything either.

    Also you asked for a picture with one of the bugs i have well here is one..somehow the old world map bug i fixed is back again :D






  8. About the bump,it was 12h after i posted the topic not 30 mins :)

    I only cleaned the masters,since i do know some mods rely on "Dirty" edits to work properly.Though that seemed to make things worse.The texture problems seem to get fixed each time i run the cache verify from Steam well all except the ground texture problems ill figure out something for that problem,that only leaves the CTDs.

    So ill try doing what you suggested,i lost the SS with the issues after i did a clean install :D oh well i can always make more if i get the same problem.

    Anyhow thank you for the response.

  9. Hello guys,ive been trying to fix my game for the past 2 days but i have finally given up after 3 fresh installs of eveything.No matter what i do or what i use i have CTDs,but the most problematic thing is 2 months ago when i played Skyrim i had the exact same mods installed,i did so using only NMM and doing the load orders manually and the game had 0 problems and never had a single CTD Now it doesnt matter what i do be it manually or also using BOSS/LOOT and Tes5Edit when suggested(also Verifying the cache in Steam)the game remains the same,heck using Tes5Edit to clean what was suggested ended up breaking my game even more for some reason.

    Also when i fix 1 thing another breaks like today the world map was 1 big red square with the locations on it,i fixed it then half the armor textures + spell textures went missing i fixed that..then the terrain started clipping or simply not being there on certain places :/


    Thus why i came here in hopes that you guys might be able to help me resove my problem since i cant do it alone it seems.


    Here is my mod list:

    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
    Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
    Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
    Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
    dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
    dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
    dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp
    Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.esp
    Height Adjusted Races with True Giants.esp
    Improved Dragon Shouts.esp
    Improved Dragon Shouts - Dragonborn.esp
    Sneak Tools.esp
    Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp
    Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp
    Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
    Also i have tried doing it 1 mod at a time,but that didnt help me much pinpointing the problem..i honestly dont know if something is trully conflicting since as i said above these are the exact mods i used last time i played the game,so i dont think they would sudenly start conflicting.
    I was able to play the game earlier today for about 2h..right up till i reached Whiterun then the CTD marathon began.. using "coc" to go to other cities proved i could walk around and inside them with no issue but Whiterun always CTDed after a while,i did another fresh install 2h ago,but now it doesnt matter which city im in i still CTD. Every new install of the game and mods brings completely new problems :D
    Forgot to add while im not using any ENBs(since i cant handle them) i am using AntiFREEZE Patch from enbdev.
    Heres some more info:
    I generally run the game even with 10+ more mods quite smoothly so i doubt its because my PC is weak,i play the game on Medium(with a few adjustments here and there).
    CPU: Intel Duo Core @ 2.2Ghz
    RAM: 3GB(funny number i know)
    GPU: ATI HD 3600 series @ 512MB
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