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Posts posted by EnigmaniteK

  1. @bben46

    I dont know what version you mean by 'never', but I had an issue on this version at some point, where nmm would periodically download updates to mods installed with it and install them automatically. yes, I mean nmm, and not the steam client. I knew about that one too, which is why I never use the game launcher, let alone the steam workshop anymore. I'm still on this version because I havent followed updates too much, last time I had looked, it was .53 that was the beta...and it had some features I was wary of.

    As for #1 and #2...i'm saying if the mod is copied to where NMM downloads mods to, I want to 'fake' un/install it, IE flag it as un/installed. NMM can look through the compressed file, right? All it'd have to do is do that, get a list of files, and install/uninstall from the game directory. it could even be an 'advanced feature' that doesn't even show up without a checkbox, but I really hope to have it some day. there are some mods that are just a hassle to clean after, and sometimes they have to be manually installed. It's worse when it's those ones with thousands of scripts. Anyhow, thank you for responding at least.

    Disclaimer: if my post makes less sense, it's because I just woke up a few minutes ago and am enjoying garlic bread.

  2. i'm not sure where to ask, but I guess here will have to do for now.

    I'm wondering if a version of NMM has these 2 particular options:

    1) choosing to flag something as installed, when I've manually installed it and added it to the storage folders. In some cases, I refuse to install certain mods via the manager.

    2) choosing to uninstall something that hasn't been installed with the manager. IE: it goes through the package contents and removes any files from the data folder as applicable, no questions asked.


    I've been using .45.6 for a while now, but it's started getting on my nerves a bit.

    Also, noob question: would I be able to disable automatic updates (EDIT: And automatic mod updates)? I think I had before, but I can't remember...

  3. any mods that modify an item after yours will replace it. also, with many items, if you modify properties, etc, you have to dump all existing items of that type and leave the cell, then add new ones, or they won't update. I learned the first case from experience, the second from reading up on another site regarding certain...equipment....that was updated, and how to do said update.

  4. Priority 0 occurs after priority 1. So if your priority 1 entry is multiply times 0 and your priority 0 entry is add 99, the final value will be 99.


    To avoid the recalculating, put the random magnitude condition on the target tab.


    The target tab is also a better place for the rand condition because it will be recalculated for each target. If the condition is on the caster tab, then area effects will either succeed or fail. If it is on the target tab, area effects will succeed on some targets and fail on others.


    Advantages of the perk over the script are that the effect is never applied instead of applied and dispelled. Therefore the PC will not receive experience for effects that fail, the magic effect keywords will never be applied to the target, OnHit events that are triggered specifically by this effect will not fire, and other Illusion spells will not be dispelled by a failed spell, and the effect is the same for all mod added spells. Perk support is also easier.

    well, I put some work into my current implementation, and i'm really happy with it, so I'll release it. I'll also use the other implementation in a second mod. This way, people can see both at work. Thank you for clearing up how priorities work, it seems rather...counter-intuitive to me. also figured out how to exclude poisons...epmagic_hasskill. poisons didn't have skill, which is the one thing I didnt notice. and yeah, perk support is a lot easier...

  5. I'm not very pleased with the implementation we'd come up with, and ended up going back to my original idea, which is working exactly how I want it to.

    problems with the perk-only version: the perk calculates every second or so, and causes the spells in the spell menu to flicker between durations. I used durations since having 2 things changing magnitude didn't work at all! yes, I had the overriding chance entry at a higher priority. 1 is higher priority than 0, right?

    Additionally, I didn't want it affecting poisons, given that magic should have zero effect on how chemical compounds work. The magic effects for poisons, enchantments (included in these changes), and spells have the same keywords and zero way to distinguish between what is what. I ended up adding a single keyword to the magic effects that were to be affected. I'll be releasing a working version soon, I need to add in dual-casting perk support, which hopefully won't be difficult. As it is, though, it works very well. On to the summary!


    Single target spells currently have a base chance to succeed of 50%. This increases by 0.5% per skill point, so at 100 skill it has a 100% chance to succeed.

    Aimed AOE spells have a 40% chance to succeed, increasing by 0.6% per skill point, and at max skill, again, 100% chance to succeed. (see where I'm going here?)

    The ritual spells, with 250 range and centered on the player, have a 30% chance to succeed, though in the final release I may reduce this, and the success chance increases by 0.7% per skill point.

    Enchants are currently the same as single target spells.

    All of these are guaranteed to last for 3 seconds (subject to change), and only after those 3 seconds are up will you find out whether the spell was a success.

    I've used globals to make adjustments easier, though I also have a script to allow custom spells.

    Given how I worked it, it won't affect mod forms, but will be easy to patch in. All it takes is adding the script, settings its properties, and adding the keyword.


    Questions, comments, concerns? I like the current implementation quite a bit more than the unreliable (in a bad way) previous version...

    EDIT: I make derpy mistakes and keep forgetting to review things

  6. liking a lot of the ideas here. 1-a-day powers always struck me as idiotic. orc berserk, however...here's my idea for it:

    make it a lesser. yeah, a lesser. then....instead of HALF damage taken, which is dumb since that's not how berserking works...make it DOUBLE.

    my idea is that greaters with big effects should be converted to spammable lessers with drawbacks to match, while ones with no real effect (water breathing), or just minor effects (night eye) don't really need drawbacks, given how little effect they have to begin with. as for the altmer spell, I'd rather see a scaling (scripted) stamina to magicka conversion. have it drain, say 5% or 10% of stamina and regen an equal percentage of magicka. in this way, it's both efficient and not overpowered. those with high stamina trade more to get what little magicka they can, and similarly....those with little stamina run the risk of getting nailed by something they could outrun with that stamina they just traded away...

  7. this is the solution I came up with:

    1 quest, no actual quest scripts. the quest runs on startup and via a quest alias, adds a 'temporary' ability to the player. this makes it easy to uninstall, simply shutdown the quest and the ability is gone.

    ability: 2 magic effects in the ability. first one has the 'perk to apply' box filled with our perk, second one has a comparison (in the ability, not on the magic effect), that if the stored value doesn't match the actual, it activates and sets the value.

    haven't gotten around to two globals, as using getrandompercent <= globCurrentIllusion as a condition works. adding the 2nd one for the chance to succeed does sound like it would add more room to adjust the chances, though.

    interestingly enough, we came to similar ideas and I didn't read your post til this morning, while I got to my result last night. says "on the right track" to me.



  8. Add one perk entry that sets magnitude of spells with fear, frenzy, or calm keywords to 0.


    Add another entry with a lower priority that sets magnitude of spells with fear, frenzy, or calm keywords to 999 if a random integer is less than the global variable.

    once perks are brought into the question, it raises the question of how they'll be added. spell effect added to a quest alias, I think would work. it'd be the same quest that handles the global, for one reason...I think that the skill increase event likely only fires on regular skillups, not resetting via legendary, or script modifications, though I'd have to check to make sure. now that I think about it, it could just be handled with quest stages...I think. just have them fire on a condition of the stored value not being equal to the player's stat. not 100% sure how well that'd work though.

  9. I see what you're pointing at now...I hadn't noticed the "skill increase" event in the quest event dropdown. player levelup is a no-go, however, because it's not accurate enough. given this, your method could work. I'd be complaining that it wouldn't work for NPCs, if not for the fact that NPCs don't actually use illusion spells...at least as far as I can remember. I might make a mod along these lines just to see it work...it's rather interesting as a concept.

  10. You can do this with a global value that updates when the player skill increases and a conditional function on the magic effect. That way you wouldn't have to put a script on the spell.

    I do it this way for a few reasons...

    1) I'm modifying the spells anyways. adding more stuff is more work that's unnecessary.

    2) I don't need a quest script running. to work, it would have to use polling events. I don't want the person to have to stop a quest for something, and polling events are more memory-heavy.

    3) the script, as is, can be removed with zero effort and zero consequence, provided the effects are not currently active on anything nearby. quests with polling events are notorious for getting stuck >.>

    4) Since there's a limit on how often a spell can be cast...this also limits how much memory is used up.

    5) CS conditions are notoriously inflexible.

  11. well, the mod idea itself seems easy enough. what you could do is set the magnitude of all the effects to something like 999, then attach a script to the illusion effects along the lines of this:

    Scriptname skillChanceDispel extends activemagiceffect  
    event oneffectstart(actor akTarget,actor akCaster)
        float rand=Utility.RandomFloat(0.0,100.0)
        float skill=caster.GetActorValue(self.GetAssociatedSkill())
        if(rand>(100.0-skill));at skill of 100, rand will never be higher. at 10, spells are pretty much useless.

    keep in mind that if you spam spells like calm on enemies they turn hostile...

    also, this script doesn't have a cap on the chance to fail. we could juggle math to make it start at 30% chance at 0, then increase to 100% at 100 skill, though. I actually have a formula along those lines somewhere...

  12. here's a suggestion of something I REALLY want to see in the quickchange/display scripts...

    index ranges.

    IE: Conditions\[0:10]\CTDA - \Function

    also...does negative indexing work? like... [-1] starting at the bottom of the list of conditions?

    I'm trying to add CCO conditions to some stuff that doesn't fit any of the conditions, basically I want to add a condition for 'non-lore recipes' to all of them.

    doing a batch of like 30 of them manually, not fun. even using the quickchange script to reduce some of it...


    call me noob but the versions I downloaded don't have 'array' as an option for export...I need to know the exact path to the files, because so far i'm having no luck >.<




    quickdisplay v1.5



    I downloaded it and then realized the reason it wasn't working is because I hadn't deleted the old file, and was using that instead. *facedesk* I'm great at making noob mistakes! Can't wait til I get my glasses next week...might be able to see a bit better :p

  14. Hmm... Not sure what use that is. It appears just to write out the record types to an ini file, like so:


    Edit: What I am looking for is a means to build FLST from keywords on Forms, specifically Inventory Items.

    that's it saving what you selected (checkboxes, not items), like the Find Records script. you want the .txt file, not the .ini.

  15. sorry for my late response, I've been busy here of late. college and all that. I'll try testing your formlist manager plugin when i have the time (might be a few weeks, sadly), but the main functions I was after was import/export of formlists, and the ability to select a list of entries in the editor and export their formids to a list. -> I have that automatic alchemy sorting / item sorting mod, cco, rnd, and plenty else; I want an easier way besides manual entry to enter in the various ingredients and miscellaneous crafting/jewelry into the sorting lists. it gets painful when there's 100+ entries to add. VERY painful.

  16. I like the tools so far, nice work.

    How long til we get that "list powertool" script or whatever it was called? manual entry in formlists is getting a bit painful (literally, it makes my hand cramp)

    I'm also glad to hear tes5edit is making list counts be set automatically in .32, I had to write scripts to do that part as it was!

    also looking forward to a script to add CCOR conditions to recipes to mods, hehe. another thing that gets painful by hand when you have a lot of armor and weapon mods >.>

  17. *necros with info for later reference because it is potentially useful*

    it wont work, sadly, as npcs dont use destructionpowermod or the like. at all. I found this out the hard way...but AlchemySkillBoosts, the perk in question, ONLY applies to the PLAYER. npcs in skyrim dont use potions at all :/

    you'd have to add that perk to the npcs in question in order to get it to work, otherwise you're out of luck. hope this helps you...or anyone else that comes along.

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