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Posts posted by mentalbutsafe

  1. Howdy y'all, I've been a dogma player ever since it was first released and love the game with all my heart. But I don't love it enough to put up with the bull that is the colossal end game grind again, so I've been looking for a trainer to do two things:


    1. Let me multiply cursed bitterblack items


    2. Let me get rift crystals to purify said items


    I've looked online and found some pretty good looking prospects, but I'm just wondering if anyone has already used one and can confirm its safety.


    Thnx in advance

  2. Howdy, I'm a big fan of dragon age 2 and highly respect origins, but I was disappointed with inquisition. After my first playthrough as a human male rift mage, there was no way I was gonna do a second one unless I could look like the arishok from 2, but to my further deepening disappointment, there was no option for changing the color of the sclera of the eyes. On top of this, Iron Bull is pretty much the only person in the game with the character model befitting of an arishok. Considering these facts, my request is actually 2:


    -Main: To be able to edit the color of the sclera and eyeliner of the inquisitor.


    -Secondary: To be able to change the body type or character model of the inquisitor while still being able to edit their head.


    I know I'm not the only one who wants beefier and more intimidating qunari, so if someone is able to pull this off, you'll have not only my gratitude but the thanks of thousands of fans. Thank you for your time.

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