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Everything posted by OPTWood

  1. I am adding a Constructible Object using FO4Edit, and I want it to appear conditionally if the character has one or more objects in their inventory, or the Workshop has one or more objects in their inventory. So I do a Greater than 0, test referencing object (0006654F in this case), Run On Subject to test if the character has one or more Wild Tarberry in their inventory. This works. Then to see if I can figure it out I change the test to Run On Reference: WorkshopHoldingCellMarker [REFR:00062549]. This does not work. I have also tried Run On target. This also does not work. What do I need to Run On to look at the workshop's "chest". See attached screenprint.
  2. This requires the G.E.C.K. to create scripts. Once Bethesda releases a Fallout 4 GECK, then I am sure many mods like this will be created.
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