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Everything posted by lesma666

  1. I need it to make a hardcore mod where you are forced to craft your fusions cores
  2. Because i want to make a char that need to stay in a power armor all the time to move fast
  3. THies mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54036/? I want to change the school to Alteration (i got it, easily) but i don't know how to change the health to Magicka Damage conversion ration to be determined by the user’s ALTERATION Skill, not restonration skill like the original Idea. I tried everything. Seriously! Can someone give i light here please :|
  4. I want to recreate the Shadows of MOrdor Character in SKyrim and one os his powers is Ethereal form. I just want it to be toggleable and consumes mana when on.
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