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  1. I will try fixing CTD one last time by Tes5edit before reinstallation. Who knows a miracle will happen? XD Thank you for the huge help, ymf331. I am not giving into despair!
  2. Thank you for your reply.. but I think I am gonna give up my save files which are the manifestation of 400 hours of gameplay(I feel like nirvana is almost in my hand LOL). Finding out the cause and trying to solve this god forsaken CTD is such an arduous task which does not even guarantee success. I will start from scratch after reinstalling Skyrim. Modding won't take too long as I already have experience, and I might sort out outdated mods to latest ones with better compatibility this time. That said, could I ask for a modding advice regarding the order? Last time I modded was more than a year ago, so it would greatly help to review the basic guidelines. From what I barely remember : 1. Cores - ENB - Unofficial Skyrim Legendary E. Patch - SkyUI 2. Environment Overhaul - mesh, texture, lighting 3. Immersions - Immersive series - Climates of Tamriel - Campfire - Wet and Cold etc 4. Character Customization - XP32 Skeleton - FNIS and animation - Body slide - Face, skin, hair overhaul 5. In-game System Customization - Complete Crafting Overhaul(CCO) - Harvest tweaks - weapon tweaks - lockpick - Vampire and Werewolf - Follower management - Horse riding - Perkus Maximus(my favorite..won't miss this one) etc 6. Additional Armour and Weapons -> Perma patch 7. Other minor tweaks & final bashed patch creation I would appreciate your help! p.s Should I try MO out instead of NMM? I heard it's better than NMM in many ways.
  3. The nightmare, bane of my Skyrim gameplay -- the one you call CTD is BACK. I had been playing Skyrim for months without a huge problem except at the start when I was arranging mods for the first time. It was first time for me to mod a game so I spent nearly three weeks for modding, but in the end I managed to get the game to run smoothly with 180 mods. I left Skyrim, and my desktop PC off the cord for five months because of personal reasons. And just when I came back to Skyrim, it crashes to desktop after loading screen. It does not crash immediately when I click load button, but crashes a few seconds after showing game tips. I have not touched anything related to Skyrim during five months. Actually, I didn't do anything to my PC during that time. Except for Windons 10 update few days ago, I literally touched nothing. I checked the scanning log(history) of my vaccine program and confirmed it did not mess with my Skyrim folder. Seriously, I have no idea what's causing CTD. .... Here are the steps until now that I took to solve this damnable CTD : 1. The system told me two of the .esp files are missing, so I reinstalled them via NMM. This was the reason I suspected my vaccine program deleting game files.. but found no suspicious activity in history. -> The system message no longer appears. Hooray! But still crashes. 2. Neither loading the saves and starting a new game worked, so I reinstall Alternate Start-Live Another Life mod. ->The new game works like a charm. The system at the upper left also show other mods are starting up at the beginning. But still, it crashes when I load the saves. 3. I have no doubt it is mod oriented CTD.. and really wanna cry at the prospect of reinstalling all those mods. Is this the only solution? Won't it result in inconsistency with old saves and leave them lost forever? God, no...
  4. Take a look at the video in the link. It does not explain how to fix the Shout problem, but it will give you the basic idea of utilizing TES5Edit. The steps to find / fix your overlapping Shout sound problem : 1. Open TES5Edit. 2. Click OK in the Master/Plugin Selection popup. It should already have your active mods ticked, so you won't have to touch anything. Just press OK. Use right-click on the mod list to select or deselect all if you want. 3. Wait until the process tells you 'Background Loader: Finished'. 4. Open Skyrim.esm at the top of the list on your left. 5. Find and open 'Sound Descriptor' section under Skyrim.esm. (Optional). Click EditorID block under two search boxes at the top to arrange your list by alphabetical order. 6. Look for categories starting with 'VOCShout'. The 'Names' part of the category shows you its actual in-game name, function or meaning. For example; EditorID : VOCShoutDragon01Fus Name : Fus 7. On the right, you will see how it is modded by mods. The one that comes last on the right is the mod that overwrites any other mods on its left.
  5. Thanks to your post, I am able to continue along with the quest in my current play through, after having spammed my poor "E" key for about 3 minutes to dump almost everything I had onto poor Lydia. I kinda forgot how much junk I was stockpiling in my inventory (thanks to a 100x capacity mod), and it was all that junk that was causing my game to freeze until I dumped it all onto Lydia. >.>; Followers are excellent porters. Don't hesitate to dump your burdens on them! My reliable Farkas carries tons of 'Large' Dwemer gears and metal parts that usually weighs more than 30 each(I need them for smelting and constructing Animunculi; I use Perma). And he never failed to catch up with me when I ran.
  6. How about using TES5Edit? Load your active mods in TES5Edit(just press OK button at the first popup without touching anything). Then, open Sound Descriptor section under Skyrim.esm. The sounds played when player shouts mostly look like 'VOCShoutDragon0#Word'. For example, a sound for Fus is 'VOCShoutDragon01Fus'. There are exceptions, but all of them has 'VOCShout' in their name. If you use Creation Kit, it's easier to find which sound file is played for a specific shout. When you click one of the category that starts with 'VOCShout' in TES5Edit, you can see how it's modified by mods if there are any.
  7. I never touched my mods or their load order for more than a month now. Both the working save and CTD save were applied with the same mods and game settings. I restored my original backup save file after I was certain the script cleaning did not work. I really don't want to admit it, but maybe this save is lost to Oblivion for sure like you said... Nooooo
  8. Um.. I've already done most of the things suggested in the list before the CTD. But this is indeed a helpful, must-know information. Thank you. One thing I've not done yet is : Try crashfixes instead of the skse memory patch, see /// Settings / memory Where is this 'setting / memory' part? Which file or folder should I look into?
  9. The problem with CTD on loading screen is really driving me crazy. None of other saves crashes to desktop on load, just this one specific save. As I can load other saves(and of course, playable) without a problem, I certainly believe this CTD has nothing to do with mod compatibility or load order. I tried these three to fix CTD on loading; 1) 'Safety Load'(http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46465/?) was already in my Plugins folder when CTD occurred. 2) Increased the DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB in SKSE.ini to 1024 and 1280, but no effect. 3) Loaded and cleaned the save file of it's unnecessary scripts with Save Game Script Cleaner(http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?). It didn't crash when I loaded the save file, so there aren't problems with this issue( https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3924850-corrupt-saves-strcount-0xffff-ctd-on-load/). I'm looking for a way to revive this specific save. There's a secondary save, but I don't want to lose my hours of precious gameplay... Papyrus log of Problematic Save Papyrus log of Working Save There is a notable difference between CTD save and working save. My character is just a Nord in working save, but is a vampire in CTD save. I use 'Better Vampires'(http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9717/?). However, few saves that had been overwritten between CTD save and working save didn't have a problem even though my character was already vampire then... I understand looking into a long, long lines of papyrus log is time consuming. I would appreciate any kind of assistance.
  10. I deactivated all the mods except ENB preset in NMM and returned a game back to vanilla mode. Well, it works, ofc... I'll add mods again one by one, each time running Skyrim if it works or not. This is the best I can resort to for now. I'll only keep the essentials and 'can't ever give up on this' mods. Don't know how long this is gonna take, but I'll be back with a result. Thank you, darstyler.
  11. Hello, I'm a newbie who started TES V modding about a week ago. I bought TES V Legendary Edition from a Summer Sale list in Steam, and immediately started making a list of mods to add. It took quite a time(about a week, no less :mellow: ) to choose mods without any background knowledge about TES V modding. I thoroughly read every descriptions, installation guides and especially compatibility. I also googled to understand better, but I failed. I think I was too greedy. I wanted an environment and my characters to look beautiful, I wanted MORE and MORE armor and weapons, I wanted extraordinary experiences... And I ended up with 200 plugins. OMG. I didn't expect the game to work smoothly on the first run. Unfortunately, the game indeed crashed on the first stage, if not on the launch. Game crashes right after this phase: Game crashes out of desktop instead of going into Helgen after the second picture. I attached a papyrus log txt generated when the CTD broke out and a load order txt containing list of mods I used when this occurred. The load order is... I know it's horribly, impossibly messed up, but I would really, really appreciate your assistance concerning the cause of CTD. p.s I took extra care with compatibility patches for PerMa, Immersive Armor/ Weapons, and CCOR but seems like I totally failed. :sad: I used NMM, LOOT, Wrye Bash for managing mods.
  12. NMM site login : working, checked.(I'm posting a reply to this very thread right now) NMM itself : NOT working. Trapped in a Mobius strip of 'Sending login token' -> 'Insert login credentials' -> 'Sending login data...' -> 'Login error: Timeout! Cannnot reach the Nexus login server.' -> back to where it started. My NMM version is up to date; 0.61.23 My proxy setting, firewall rules .etc have nothing to do with it. It worked fine until yesterday. So the problem is with the NMM server itself. I'm downloading mod files manually right now.
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