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Everything posted by hunterrock

  1. Thanks bud, Ok so I have changed it, now I have this attached to a quest in CK. Scriptname brutalstartup extends Quest book property bookofguidance auto Event OnQuestInit() Debug.MessageBox("blabla") Game.AddPerkPoints (3) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(bookofguidance, 1, true)EndEvent But when I run the kmyquest compiler it throws up this error: Init is not a function or does not existNo output generated for QF__02000D62, compilation failed. Anyone have any ideas Thanks in advance!
  2. Scriptname brutalstartup extends Quest book property bookofguidance auto Function OnInit() Debug.MessageBox("blabla") Game.AddPerkPoints (3) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(bookofguidance, 1, true) EndFunction Hello, I have no idea what I am doing, this will successefully compile but won't do anything when I start a new game. Essentially when I start the game I was to be able to add 3 perk points, add a book that is in a plugin to the players inventory and display a message. Is there a reason this won't work? Thanks!
  3. Ok so I have and item. If I add the keyword vendoritemclothing will it then show up in vendors accross skyrim? I believe you cannot do this but I would appreciate some clarification! It seems it is the other way around? So it defines which merchants will buy your item? Second Questions. Say I create 20 random items and want them to be in all leveled lists randomly. Will just creating a leveled list accomplish this or will I need to then add that leveled list to other premade leveled lists. If that makes sense then great! Thanks
  4. I am attempting to run the new Requiem Patcher through Mod Organizer. Every other patcher is fine but this one hates me!! The debug file from the error is here: http://pastebin.com/0JPQ42kA I have followed all instructions to the letter. Verified with Ogerboss(author) that it is correct and I have all admin privileges. I have also allocated more memory to the .jar file. Does anyone at all have any idea what this error is? Thank you in advance!
  5. Just wondering guys, are there any other guides like STEP? I have looked at Skyrim Beautification Project, Skyrim Revisited, Skyimg Mod Combiner and STEP Packs. Are there any I am missing?
  6. Dude, this is from your loot log you posted. Use only one Winter is Coming plugin. Also you need to clean your mods, and I would recommend taking out the mods with navmesh issues. 1nivWICCloaks.espCRC: 9D296570Version: 2.3RelevWarning: Use only one WICCloaks esp.Note: Incompatible with: Cloaks of skyrim, get the compatibility patch in the WIC optional files.1nivWICCloaksNoGuards.espCRC: 1DC234A2Version: 2.3RelevWarning: Use only one WICCloaks esp.1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.espCRC: 2522EDD7Version: 2.3RelevWarning: Use only one WICCloaks esp.
  7. Not sure if your serious, but he was pretty helpful and correct. Also not condescending. I hope you weren't serious as it's the chaps first post and why post in a two month old thread to bash someone?
  8. Do you overclock at all? Also, it would help us to help you if you could list your system specs. It may bring some light onto the situation.
  9. Well I don't have any stuttering or dips at all, solid 60 fps but glad to know the ini tweaks worked for you! The problem with using System Ram on top of VRAM is that it is much slower than using the VRAM within the graphics card. I cannot recommend enough that you use Optimizer Textures on your texture folder. It is an amazing tool. An SSD was an amazing difference with loading times and, contrary to some peoples opinions, I noticed a far smoother experience when playing. It was when I upgraded my processor I noticed the biggest difference as shadows are a "%"$ in Skyrim! Don't ever use Ultra shadows unless you have a ridiculous computer! I would advise not getting an AMD processor for Skyrim as intel have (please don't take my word on this) much better performances in this game. Great choice of card by the way, I went with MSI as I have an MSI mobo and the 780ti is a crazy good card!
  10. i own a gtx 780 ti and devils canyon cpu. i use 2k textures, 4k is pointless. stuttering is caused by you exceeding your vram limit. use less textures and optimize. you do also have a cpu bottleneck load times are due to your hdd. use an ssd to improve :)
  11. Use mod organizer buddy :) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1334/?
  12. It all depends what you are looking for from the game visually. For example, a 780ti which is pretty much the best money can buy for consumers at this point in time won't run skyrim at 60fps all the time depending on mods. It will dip in high density areas when using high end textures and ambient occlusion enb settings. I am from the UK but to be honest, I wouldn't spend 80 dollars on a graphics card expecting great results. The cards I would recommend are the 600 series cards, like a gtx 660. Your processor will also struggle with skyrim if you use lots of mods. I would recommend low/medium shadows with that. What are you looking to do? Heavy modding, vanilla or just a few mods?
  13. No luck with that. Also tried various different mappings for the commands in question.
  14. Well I have configured the 360 controller mapping using Xbox controller remapper for skyrim (brilliant). I tried changing the mapping of the tween menu and cancel keys. I tried without the mapper so just vanilla controller configuration and I tried a mod that supposedly lets you use keyboard and controller simultaneously but all to no avail. I do appreciate your input though I just hope I can find a solution at some point!
  15. Yeah I tried it with just Skyrim.esm and the dlcs. It is the 360 controller unfortunately. It works flawlessly with Requiem with keyboard :(
  16. Sorry my apologies, It is classic level up - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45293/? The mod functions in this order: 1. Once you gain a level it and open the skill menu it allows you to pick either Health Magika or Stamina it will then automatically close the menu. 2. It will take away the perk awarded (This happens after the menu has been closed) 3. It adds the perk back after sleeping for more than 1 hour in a bed. The issue is that the first step does not work, it does not close the menu and therefore allows me to pick a perk, if I close the menu myself the mod works flawlessly. It is just this one function that is pretty integral to the mod. The "Tween" menu is the menu from where you choose skills inventory map or magic and the button to use this is mapped to the same as the cancel button. On a controller it is mapped to the same button again. I have remapped it to a different controller button but it still does not work. It works flawlessly with keyboard and mouse though. Very frustrating! Edit: I have decompiled the script and once decompiled (even without changing anything) it will not recompile and therefore I cannot edit the script either to see if I can rectify it. As far as I know the mod author is away with uni and stuff so is out of contact.
  17. Hey guys, I have a mod that functions perfectly but a feature that is key to the mod does not work when using a 360 controller. Is there any way around this? Thanks! Edit: So looking through the script there is this section: function ForceCloseMenu() while utility.IsInMenuMode()if !ui.IsMenuOpen("Tutorial Menu")input.TapKey(input.GetMappedKey("Tween Menu", 255))endIfendWhileendFunction Now what I can make of this is that it is attempting to use the "Tween Menu" Key which is probably not mapped to my 360 controller. Anybody know if this would work if I mapped it? Edit: well, it is already mapped and it does not work. i am stumped
  18. Okay, another post to add to this. If i use a keyboard and mouse this mod works flawlessly but with a 360 controller it doesn't kick me out of the screen which is very unfortunate. Anybody know a way to fix this?
  19. Right so I have created a new profile with just this mod, skyrim, the dlc and alternate start. It does not kick me out of the menu automatically. Is there something I need to change or do that I am missing. Completely vanilla with no other mods than the ones mentioned (not even textures). I am a farily experienced modder and have a stable requiem mod list with 200+ esps and this has me completely stumped! I have decompiled the script and once decompiled, it will not let me recompile it which is very odd. There are about 10 errors that it throws up when I do. Anyone?
  20. Has anybody got "Classic Level Up" to work with Requiem? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45293/? This mod automatically closes the skills menu after you pick health/magika/stamina and then takes away your perk point (after the menu is closed). It will then add it again but only after sleeping in a bed. This is great for Requiem I think but Requiem stops the menu from closing and so you can then add the perk. If you don't add the perk and close the menu, Classic Level Up works as it is meant to. It is this one unfortunate bug! Anybody else got these two mods to work together?
  21. Hey bud, that is not your load order I am afraid. It is your overwrite order. It seems a bit messed up. There should be a buttom at the top right corner of Mod Organizer that has an exclamation mark in it. Click it and then it will prompt you to fix your load order. Or it should as those quest mods from thirteen oranges should not be at the top even though they use BSAs. Your load order is in the plugins tab on the right side
  22. I had a 770 before upgrading and it would only just run Real Vision performance version. Struggled with frame rate. There are a few more things you can do. First, get only 1k textures. Run this on your skyrim folder : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12801/? Turn shadows to 512 in the Skyrim ini + prefs Change grass size to something high like 110 and install Grass on Steroids : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33582/? What mods are you using? Also any crazy distance settings in your ini file? Where do you get these low framerates? Grass killed my 770 when modded with enbs. Are you using SFO by any chance? Or a grass mod?
  23. Hey chaps, Right I am making a mod organizer profile to completely overhaul skyrim into an acid trip. I need your help, I have the train dragons/macho dragons mod and the spiderman spiders mod. Please could you guys point me in the right direction for crazy/ridiculous mods. Thank you for your help! I'll post some screenshots after once I have finished!
  24. Hi guys, is this standard for skyrim or is this not right? Anybody come across this before or know what causes it? Not using any exterior lighting mods, it happens with enb on or off As you can see the light point is underneath the lantern
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