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  1. the mod FO4 New Vegas isnt related to this mod Dude, bigCman13 just stated on the last page that he working on FO4: new vegas as the reason this mod doesn't seem active. That's seem quite related to me. But sure, the one liners about me not being relevant are always welcomed.
  2. Does the project has a home? A quick google search didn't really help, rather it pointed me towards stuff made for new vegas.
  3. Well that's interesting, I have a proper perk tree but I don't have the second row of customized vault girls. Not using any HUD framework though. And I have all the stars too.
  4. I haven't seen any NSFW content, merely an unzipped vault-suit and some underwear. There are animated bouncing boobies though, if that's what you want.
  5. Fallout 4 utilise différentes extensions (ba2 à la place de bsa). Tout les mods n'utilisent pas spécialement des esp, spécifiquement si les mods en question ne font que replacer du contenu déjà présent.
  6. Hello there bigCman123 and friends. I used your vault girl mod throughout my newvegas games and I am delighted to see you work on a version for fallout 4. You truly are a sun in my days and I want to provide you with all my thanks. So thanks you for all your work, making this game slightly more interesting and enjoyable. Have a great day.
  7. I have decent C++ skills. Is there a detailed list of work items to go off of? How might one get involved? Schlangster isn't the only member talking about skse, check out what expired said: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5206865-wipz-skyrim-script-extender-skse64/page-76&do=findComment&comment=50261612
  8. You probably want an extended console too, like Mfg console: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44596/? Navigate the values to see if anything seems wrong. You probably want to check any npc modifier, if they detect you wether you sneak or not, it probably means they got modified not you... Anyhow, it took me days of prodding semi-randomly :P
  9. Alright, I found what was wrong with my character. The value SneakMod was set to -100000, which then triggered the "detected by everybody while sneaking". I assume a mod changed that value and never bothered to put it back to normal... So I changed it with player.modav 100000 to put it back to 0 (assuming that the default value is 0) and voilà! No more omniscient NPC while I sneak.
  10. Yeah, that's also a solution. I'll do that too once I finish the set of quests I'm on. As long as they don't require sneaking, I'm okay.
  11. Yeah, I've got this issue too. As soon as I enter a cell while sneaking, all the NPC know where I am. The easiest way to fix it would be to go to an earlier save where it didn't manifest. As for the cause, I would think it's an effect that got stuck on the player and forces it to be detected. It may be possible to find what is causing it, but that would require so much investigation efforts and headaches that a simple reload would be the simplest and easiest way.
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