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  1. The NPCs Travel comments mention the Rusty Face Fix causing crashes if you've enabled streaming mode. If you have it installed, you could try disabling that setting in the Rustyfacefix.ini. If that doesn't work, you may want to look at your mesh-related mods. You mentioned invisible NPCs before and your crash logs are listing a mesh crash. You can also disable A Bit Prettier Raider Faces and see if that stops the crashing. I hope it helps!
  2. It seems to be a common issue. You can try disabling FCX Mode in the CLASSIC Settings.yaml, or try the newer GitHub release here. Are those vanilla enemies? I don't think I've heard of them before.
  3. Have you tried running your crash logs through a crash log reader?
  4. Try disabling weapon debris in the launcher settings and see if that fixes the issue.
  5. Anything over 200 is considered harmful to script stability. You could try different script optimizations like Vanilla Scripting Enhancements or Vanilla Script (micro)Optimizations but your mileage may vary. But at this point, I think any real performance gains will come from decreasing draw calls, most commonly by decreasing the number of models and/or lowering your shadow range.
  6. Blown-up or disassembled weapons are usually caused by a mod conflict. This could be a patch, addon, animation, framework, or simply the base mod is broken. You could try putting your load order in FO4Edit and see what mods are conflicting, and create a patch or adjust your load order appropriately. You could also try a binary search and see if you can find the culprit mod(s) that way. You can try the Rusty Face Fix. If it doesn't work, you'll have to look at your face textures and ensure they're all at the same resolution (1K, 2K, etc...).
  7. Thats awsome, Im glad it's working!
  8. Maybe the author of that cart mod made a mistake with the Base Object Swapper config file. But, that's just speculation on my part.
  9. It could be both honestly. Your CPU & RAM are responsible for stuff like scripts, and 8GB of RAM on a modded setup can cause problems, especially if you have a lot going on in your cities. Try cutting down on draw calls and scripts and see if that has an effect. Mods like Papyrus Tweaks can help the script engine, while stuff like E-FPS and SPO can help with draw calls, but keep in mind that patching these last two mods can be a headache. You can also run some tests with Elephant's Script Latency Tester. Instructions are provided on the mod page.
  10. It's been said that too many plugins can cause UI issues. While I haven't experienced this myself, you might want to consider it if installing a cart replacer is causing UI problems. You should also look into FNV Mod Limit Fix if you don't have it already. You could also disable your HUD/UI mods and see if the issue persists, and if all else fails try a binary search of your modlist to find the culprit.
  11. It's an engine limitation, when you have too many dynamic lights like torches, it causes flickering issues and uneven lighting. You can get around this by using ENB or Light Limit Fix for Community Shaders, but don't use both. You can also look at mods like Torch Remover or Guard Torch Remover, which removes torches from NPCs reducing the number of dynamic lights.
  12. One of your mods might be reverting your FOV with an INI file or a script.
  13. Disabling the game's VSync and using SSE Display Tweaks might fix your delay issue.
  14. Is that all your mods? In that case, the quickest solution would probably be a binary search. Remove some of your mods, create a test character, and see if you still crash at Sekunda's Kiss.
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