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About Nightmarecast

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    United States

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  1. Oh wow, really? I am having this very issue right now and here I am blaming the mods, man, another game I don't need Vortex for, first Fallout 4, then Skyrim SE now Code Vein, I may as well uninstall Vortex.
  2. Why does this keep happening when I try to check for mod updates?
  3. Hello Nexus, I am having some trouble getting rid of these 4 hairstyles, I have uninstalled all my hair mods with nexus and manually and still, these hairs are showing up. Also, anyone know what hair mods these come from? I don't remember. http://i67.tinypic.com/14blxtj.jpg Also, seriously guys? 250kb? I couldn't even upload my file converted to a jpeg, it was 1.90mb converted from a png. Anyway, any help is greatly appreciated, also I just uninstalled LooksMenu about to test and see if that does it.
  4. Wow, what a bummer with the whole jiggle fiasco, I know it will be optional(even though I don't think it should be)but still, wow. Tits bounce, even implants, I don't understand. Anyway, I just came to report that it seems that the mod crashing is happening with me as well but it seems to be conflicting with DEV_UI. If I uninstall DEV_UI and install this mod then it's fine but if I install DEV_UI ontop of this it's fine, but only if I install this ontop of DEV_UI does it crash. I am currently about to test something else with this and DEV_UI. Will edit in a few. Edit: Just as I thought, before I made this post I had a serious problem of not being able to use any weapons, not even able to draw them and it seems to have been the conflict causing that as well, which is really strange because the file seems to only replace the pipboy animation in the apparel area, at least it seems like that's all it is. Love the mod btw, thank you for your hard work.
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