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  1. Larian stated they are working on a Character Appearance Change feature that will come (best case) by Patch 2. Unfortunately, that is several months away, possibly by late October. The mod that exists is very gimmicky and dangerous to work. Use it at your own risk. You will also have to Edit your appearance every single time you play. It ain't worth the hassle. A lot of the issues have been fixed and more are actively being fixed. Additionally, it lets you edit origin characters as well. It may also have more options than what Larian's official will but we'll have to see. In the end, it's up to you if you want to wait or not. Just wanted to respond to this because you mentioned only negatives and none of the positives.
  2. Any chance you got a link or more details on this guy? ....Because I'm about ready to enter a Warlock pact in service to whomever gets this feature into my game save. +1 I've tried, he very hates the nexus and every members lol, I just said only nexus and he is banned me from discord, BUT he wasn't full of a*****, after my ban, I got copy his Save editor + cc mod. The save editor is like the mass effect save editor, I can change any flag, plot, romance, world state. He did amazing work. About the CC mod, rescpec my character there is everything like when you are starting a new game. He did what Larius did not. If you have a copy, upload it somewhere and post it so we can see. I'd like to know what he did if he exists
  3. Unfortunately, the mod creator said that changing faces/hair etc. is almost impossible because Larian has pretty much locked these options. Only an official patch from LARIAN allowing changing appearance seems to be the only proper solution. Make sure to request it officially here: https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=87&page=1 A Larian dev already confirmed that they may work on it, but if it is gonna come in 3 months from now it will be pointless. We will have to shelf the game till then. It needs to be patched ASAP. I wouldn't say the options are locked, I think I was wrong on that part. It's just the bindings don't exist in-game to edit those from the respec screen. I allowed editing for origin characters (with some workarounds) but for custom characters, it's much harder because of the way they're generated and associated in the save database. There might be a way but it's going to take a lot of work. Will this way to edit origin characters work on custom characters too? Not yet.
  4. Unfortunately, the mod creator said that changing faces/hair etc. is almost impossible because Larian has pretty much locked these options. Only an official patch from LARIAN allowing changing appearance seems to be the only proper solution. Make sure to request it officially here: https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=87&page=1 A Larian dev already confirmed that they may work on it, but if it is gonna come in 3 months from now it will be pointless. We will have to shelf the game till then. It needs to be patched ASAP. I wouldn't say the options are locked, I think I was wrong on that part. It's just the bindings don't exist in-game to edit those from the respec screen. I allowed editing for origin characters (with some workarounds) but for custom characters, it's much harder because of the way they're generated and associated in the save database. There might be a way but it's going to take a lot of work.
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